Sunday, June 14, 2009

Identify your gift

Identify you gift


There is no one size fits all answer

The past week was one of those that just went by and I found myself busy with work meetings and chasing deadlines. As a result I didn’t manage to post a new article despite having spent lots of hours meditating on it. Earlier I had also had an interesting assignment in which the young people at church invited me to speak to them on how to identify one’s gift. That was an interesting subject because as far as I know there is no ‘one size fits all’ answer to that question; and I am not about to write a book on ‘the 10 steps on how to identify your gift or your purpose’.  However, there are some basic indicators that can help you identify your calling, your gift or your purpose; which I will share with you.


Your gift is not meant for the display cabinet

When I was asked to share on this subject I was immediately reminded of something that happened sometime at the beginning of last year. While on one of our overseas trips with my family, we bought our domestic-maid a beautiful pair of shoes. When we got back home and blessed her with the pair of shoes, she was so overwhelmed with joy. She said she had never owned such a beautiful and expensive pair of shoes all her life. She took them and carefully put them away in her closet. The following Sunday she put on her best dress and took out the pair of shoes. She looked at the pair of shoes and she would not imagine stepping on the ground with such ‘expensive’ shoes. She put them away and put on her usual shoes. For the rest of the week she would take out the shoes, admire them and put them away; but she would not put them on. This continued on and on until one day my wife asked her why she was not putting on her new pair of shoes. She admitted that she could not imagine herself making such beautiful shoes dirty by stepping on the ground with them. She was happy to bring them back in exchange for a less expensive, more ordinary pair of shoes that she can make use of. Your gift is not meant to be for the display cabinet; your gift is not just for admiring and tucking away. Don’t just identify the gift in you and keep it unused. Get dirty with it; make use of it. Growth comes through experience and experience comes through practice and action. ‘But strong meat belongs to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil’ (Hebrews 5 v 14).   


1. You have a gift

Before you can begin the journey to identify your gift you need to understand that everyone is endued with a gift. You have a gift. ‘But as God hath distributed to every man, as the Lord hath called every one, so let him walk’ (1 Corinthians 7 v 17). You may have failed in school, in music or in sport; but that does not make you a failure; probably you were just misplaced. Don’t be threatened by anybody’s strengths or gifts because you too have a great gift - you just need to identify it and put it to use. You were endued with enough resources within you for you to excel. In primary school I was dismissed from the choir and felt terrible to be told that I sang like a frog; but I have since used the same froggy voice to speak on countless platforms locally and internationally. That only means I was not meant to sing but to speak. What were you meant to do?


2. You are wired for the gift

Your gift lies in your area of passion. When God made you, He knew what you were meant to do and to achieve and therefore He wired you for that purpose. ‘The Lord hath called ‘you’ from the womb; from the bowels of ‘your’ mother hath he made mention of ‘your’ name’ (Isaiah 49 v 1b).You were custom-made for your gift; and you were made fit-for-purpose. If you are still searching for your calling and your gift, look around the things that excite you; even if they may not have a biblical title among the nine gifts. You are wired for your gift. You and your gift are compatible.


3. Your gift brings effectiveness

Your gifting lies in the area of your life where you tend to find yourself very effective. I know of old classmates that could play the whole day and do very little studying but still got straight passes; while some spent sleepless nights studying just to get a bare pass-mark. The gifts were different. If you are still searching for your gift, search in the area of your life where you tend to be effective with minimal effort. If you can be effective with minimal effort how much more will you achieve with more diligence and commitment. Cultivate the seed in that area and work hard to grow and develop your gift.


4. Your gift cannot be hidden. 

A man’s gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men’ (Proverbs 18 v 16). Your gift cannot be hidden from the people around you even if you don’t know it. If you are still searching for your gift or calling look around the things which you normally receive positive affirmation or complements when you have done. I am not suggesting that you should have approval-addiction nor that you should depend on what people say for you to define who you are or what your calling is. I am aware that sometimes when you are still developing, you may perform badly in your area of calling and people can discourage you by their comments. Even if they discourage you, if your system is telling you that that’s the area of your gifting; don’t back up. You are not defined by what people say of you but by what God says of you and what you think of yourself. 


Even if you have not yet identified what your area of gifting is, just rise up do something; and if you know your gift, let it not limit you in what you can do with your life.


Maximise your life


Calvary love 

Peter Mbada


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