Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sometimes the way back is the only way forward

Sometimes the way back is the only way forward

Don’t miss out on the basics!

Last week I had a very hectic though productive time. I was invited to speak at a Christian national conference that had over a thousand people in attendance from all sorts of backgrounds and ages. I enjoyed the conference and I have no doubt in my mind that lives were transformed and destinies were reshaped. Immediately after my sessions I received several different invitations. As I have said many times before, there is nothing that gives me better satisfaction than to see lives transformed; destinies redefined and hopes restored and I suppose this is one of those weekends where so many people left the conference place convinced that life is worth living and that life is full of possibilities. During exactly the same weekend I was again invited to speak in one of the fastest growing churches in Gaborone. That made my weekend action packed; and after it all, I felt spent. When I got back home I sat down a couple of times to try and write the weekly article but I realized I had drawn quite a lot from myself and needed to refill. I needed some refreshment.


Later in the week I travelled to Johannesburg, South Africa for a couple of days to attend some very important meetings. Because I was feeling clever and smart upstairs, I didn’t do the necessary basics (carry the map); and so embarrassing to say, I got lost on my way from the airport to the hotel!


Lost in the maze

Believe me, the last thing you ever want to happen to you is to find yourself lost in Johannesburg without a map. My hotel was supposed to be a 30-minute drive from the airport; and so I set my first appointment to be about an hour after my arrival at the airport. Believe it or not, 3 hours later I was still stuck up somewhere in Johannesburg driving in the wrong direction without a map. I had missed a turn on the freeway. My ego told me that I will find my way, without asking, despite having the hotel numbers and the hotline numbers for traffic directions. How many people are stuck up in the maze of life moving in the wrong direction at high speed without a clear roadmap of where life is taking them to? Are you clear of your life’s direction? I was delayed for 3 hours because of my personal ego. Don’t be delayed in your life for many years because of your personal ego.  Your personal ego makes you refuse to admit that you need assistance; that you need somebody to help you with directions for life. It’s never too late to ask for assistance; it will only shorten the time it will take for you to achieve what you are created for. Why re-invent the wheel. ‘Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me’ (Psalm 40 v 7).


Pull over by the lay-by

After about one and half hours of trying all my driving and guessing tricks I realized I was only driving myself deeper into confusion. I was late for my appointment, I was sweating, I didn’t know where I was and was now feeling more and more frustrated but unfortunately I had no one to blame for my predicament, but myself. It was time to pull over the road and take a deep breath by the lay-by. I swallowed my pride and made the important call for directions. My wife laughed at me on this one when I told her because she has always had a tough time to get me to ask for directions when I am travelling with her! If you feel like your life is on auto-cruise heading in the wrong direction pulling over by the lay-by is not a sign of weakness or defeat. There are times you need to withdraw from the busyness, the confusion and hustles of everyday life so that you can re-orient yourself and pick up the right direction. Don’t be pressurized by the traffic flowing in the same direction as you. Don’t sleep-walk through life; take control and participate in the unfolding of your future; but that requires you knowing your direction. ‘But Jesus withdrew himself with his disciples to the sea:’ (Mark 3 v 7). Even after great exploitations Jesus would withdraw from the masses in order to commune with the Father and ascertain that He was still in the right direction for the mission. You must retreat and find time to commune with the Holy Ghost to ascertain whether you are driving your life in the right direction. Take time to pull-over by the side and seek for guidance and directions.


A bright and happy ending

I called the hotel for directions. The gentleman on the other side of the line told me what I least expected to hear; the inevitable! I had sunk so deep in the wrong direction that he couldn’t find the easiest way to direct me from where I was except to ask me to turn right, then right i.e. make a u-turn and find my way back to where I started. That was the only fastest and easiest way out for me. Once-beaten-twice shy, I was not about to make any arguments. I complied! Amazing enough, the way back towards the airport didn’t take me as long.


There are only two bad decisions you can make in life: (1) a decision not to make a decision when there is time to make a decision; and (2) a decision not to change a decision when you know that the decision was wrong. I decided to make a u-turn and that changed everything. Going back opened for me a way to make progress; it made it easier for me to find my direction and proceed faster towards my destination. Sometimes the way down is the only way up; the way back may be the only way forward. ‘Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he will exalt you’ (James 4 v 10). If you are stuck with a life that is heading in the wrong direction; it’s not be too late to make a fresh start in the right direction. You won’t be able to change the past; but you can change the future! You will not be able to change your beginning but, for sure, you can make your ending – a bright and happy ending!


Heaven is a 12-Star

This time round I made it to the hotel in 30 minutes. The beauty of the hotel and its surroundings more than compensated for the price I paid in making a fresh start. It was a 4-Star hotel. Had I not swallowed my pride, I would have settled for a less appealing destination; but I was glad I made a choice to start afresh. If man can make such beauty on only a 4-Star hotel; then be sure not to miss heaven because it’s a 12-Star. I was late for my appointment but, thank God, my appointee knew about Jo’burg traffic and he had patiently waited for me. Don’t miss your destiny simply because you are too proud to make a fresh start. REPENT!


Calvary love 

Peter Mbada



*      I am sincerely grateful to all those that have continued to support by purchasing, distributing and telling others about ‘Destined to Succeed’. It means a lot. May the Lord bless you abundantly.



Destined to succeed; Unstoppable and Unlimitable’ – price US$11.95

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It takes two to tango

It takes two to tango

A peep in the bedroom

This Friday marks our 10th wedding anniversary; a decade of adventure! It’s been an interesting 10 years with breathtaking highs and challenging lows; but above all we can shout Ebenezer, thus far the Lord has helped us (1 Samuel 7 v 12). A lot of growing has definitely taken place and the two kids are a sure testimony of the increase. She was a size 32 when we started off and now all those size 32 clothes are just souvenirs to remind us of where she has been in terms of weight. Believe it or not, I still weigh exactly the same as on our wedding day! Shows I have been giving her the best portions, isn’t it!?


Ten years down the line I am still to win my argument about making the bed. Each time I make the bed I have to deal with a dozen pillows of all sizes and shapes; which I have to throw on the floor every evening and back on the bed every morning! I have argued from day one that we should make the bed only once a week or so, so that we save ourselves the trouble of repeating the process everyday; after-all nobody will ever see it. I guess, since I will never win on this one, I will have to do what every good husband will do – hide the big pillows! 


At least over the 10 years I have mastered where to put my socks. They used to accumulate in the shoes and she had to deal with my tempers every morning as I screamed as to why she doesn’t take care of my socks; I could only locate one sock each of a different colour; until she devised a good strategy – provide a bin within throwing distance!


It’s been fun! Marriage is what you make of it. It takes two to tango; but it takes 3 to make the marriage work: you and your spouse plus the Holy Spirit!


Mbada United

I never realized until we got married that we have such different characters with my wife. Most of the conflicts we have had in the 10 years arose from our differences, until we realized that instead of us taking advantage of our differences to create a powerful team we were allowing the devil to take advantage of the differences to create conflict. God specifically brought us together with our differences so that we can complement each other and form a strong Mbada United Team. I can imagine where we would be if my wife was exactly the same as me - quiet, reserved but full of energy. We will both be spending all the time writing and traveling with no-one to attend to the finer details of life. Her presence, with all the differences, made the difference in our team – Mbada United. That has made us a winning team – a team that’s destined to succeed! Don’t be scared of differences. Don’t allow your differences in character or views to separate you; use them to your advantage to build a strong multi-view, multi-talented team. Don’t compete but complement each other. Recognize the importance of each person’s contribution to the team. Their uniqueness and difference brings an important and valuable aspect to the team. You have heard of the paradox of love: the two shall become one; and yet remain two. The union of love is not meant to create a uniform. The two become one and yet recognize and preserve their uniqueness, individuality and higher purpose for life. Love does not force conformance; but ‘Love is patient and is kind; love doesn’t envy. Love doesn’t brag, is not proud, doesn’t behave itself inappropriately, doesn’t seek its own way, is not provoked, takes no account of evil; doesn’t rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails’ (1 Corinthians 13 v 4 – 8).


Win-win or no-deal

In all our arguments and debates we have refused to accept a compromise. Compromise brings compromised results; results that make both of you half-happy! A compromise is a lose-lose solution that makes each of you lose something dear in order to agree; just like when Solomon wanted to cut and divide the baby into two so that he can please both women that were fighting over one child (1 Kings 3 v 25). Win-win is always the best solution. We have always strived for win-win. A win-win solution is a solution that settles for what is best for the team. Settling for nothing less than a win-win has worked for us to create the winning team. Strive for win-win always – it’s possible. Win-win or else no deal! I know I might have confused you with this one. You can re-read again this paragraph to understand and I mean just that – a win-win is the best solution for you.


In hind-sight

If only the wheels of time could be wound back twelve years; if only I could be allowed another opportunity to start all over again; an opportunity to choose again from all the damsels that grace the face of the earth. With all the knowledge and insight I have acquired thus far, to be given another chance to choose another woman who will walk down the isle to meet me and marry me. If only I could be given that benefit to do it with all the knowledge and understanding I now have and all the wisdom I have accumulated in the ten years; your guess is as good as mine – I will choose Jackie again – no doubts not regrets. She helped make me and she provoked me to pursue my purpose for life and today I can confidently say ‘But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain;’ (1 Corinthians 15 v 10). She has earned her a diamond!


Calvary love 

Peter Mbada



*       I am sincerely grateful to all those that have continued to support by purchasing, distributing and telling others about ‘Destined to Succeed’. It means a lot. May the Lord bless you abundantly.



Destined to succeed; Unstoppable and Unlimitable’ – price US$11.95

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Debswana Diamond Company Email Disclaimer: The information contained in this e-mail is confidential and may be subject to legal privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not use, copy, distribute or disclose the e-mail or any part of its contents or take any action in reliance on it. If you have received this e-mail in error, please e-mail the sender by replying to this message. All reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure no viruses are present in this e-mail and the sender cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage arising from the use of this e-mail or attachments.

It takes two to tango

It takes two to tango

A peep in the bedroom

This Friday marks our 10th wedding anniversary; a decade of adventure! It’s been an interesting 10 years with breathtaking highs and challenging lows; but above all we can shout Ebenezer, thus far the Lord has helped us (1 Samuel 7 v 12). A lot of growing has definitely taken place and the two kids are a sure testimony of the increase. She was a size 32 when we started off and now all those size 32 clothes are just souvenirs to remind us of where she has been in terms of weight. Believe it or not, I still weigh exactly the same as on our wedding day! Shows I have been giving her the best portions, isn’t it!?


Ten years down the line I am still to win my argument about making the bed. Each time I make the bed I have to deal with a dozen pillows of all sizes and shapes; which I have to throw on the floor every evening and back on the bed every morning! I have argued from day one that we should make the bed only once a week or so, so that we save ourselves the trouble of repeating the process everyday; after-all nobody will ever see it. I guess, since I will never win on this one, I will have to do what every good husband will do – hide the big pillows! 


At least over the 10 years I have mastered where to put my socks. They used to accumulate in the shoes and she had to deal with my tempers every morning as I screamed as to why she doesn’t take care of my socks; I could only locate one sock each of a different colour; until she devised a good strategy – provide a bin within throwing distance!


It’s been fun! Marriage is what you make of it. It takes two to tango; but it takes 3 to make the marriage work: you and your spouse plus the Holy Spirit!


Mbada United

I never realized until we got married that we have such different characters with my wife. Most of the conflicts we have had in the 10 years arose from our differences, until we realized that instead of us taking advantage of our differences to create a powerful team we were allowing the devil to take advantage of the differences to create conflict. God specifically brought us together with our differences so that we can complement each other and form a strong Mbada United Team. I can imagine where we would be if my wife was exactly the same as me - quiet, reserved but full of energy. We will both be spending all the time writing and traveling with no-one to attend to the finer details of life. Her presence, with all the differences, made the difference in our team – Mbada United. That has made us a winning team – a team that’s destined to succeed! Don’t be scared of differences. Don’t allow your differences in character or views to separate you; use them to your advantage to build a strong multi-view, multi-talented team. Don’t compete but complement each other. Recognize the importance of each person’s contribution to the team. Their uniqueness and difference brings an important and valuable aspect to the team. You have heard of the paradox of love: the two shall become one; and yet remain two. The union of love is not meant to create a uniform. The two become one and yet recognize and preserve their uniqueness, individuality and higher purpose for life. Love does not force conformance; but ‘Love is patient and is kind; love doesn’t envy. Love doesn’t brag, is not proud, doesn’t behave itself inappropriately, doesn’t seek its own way, is not provoked, takes no account of evil; doesn’t rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails’ (1 Corinthians 13 v 4 – 8).


Win-win or no-deal

In all our arguments and debates we have refused to accept a compromise. Compromise brings compromised results; results that make both of you half-happy! A compromise is a lose-lose solution that makes each of you lose something dear in order to agree; just like when Solomon wanted to cut and divide the baby into two so that he can please both women that were fighting over one child (1 Kings 3 v 25). Win-win is always the best solution. We have always strived for win-win. A win-win solution is a solution that settles for what is best for the team. Settling for nothing less than a win-win has worked for us to create the winning team. Strive for win-win always – it’s possible. Win-win or else no deal! I know I might have confused you with this one. You can re-read again this paragraph to understand and I mean just that – a win-win is the best solution for you.


In hind-sight

If only the wheels of time could be wound back twelve years; if only I could be allowed another opportunity to start all over again; an opportunity to choose again from all the damsels that grace the face of the earth. With all the knowledge and insight I have acquired thus far, to be given another chance to choose another woman who will walk down the isle to meet me and marry me. If only I could be given that benefit to do it with all the knowledge and understanding I now have and all the wisdom I have accumulated in the ten years; your guess is as good as mine – I will choose Jackie again – no doubts not regrets. She helped make me and she provoked me to pursue my purpose for life and today I can confidently say ‘But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain;’ (1 Corinthians 15 v 10). She has earned her a diamond!


Calvary love 

Peter Mbada


*       I am sincerely grateful to all those that have continued to support by purchasing, distributing and telling others about ‘Destined to Succeed’. It means a lot. May the Lord bless you abundantly.



Destined to succeed; Unstoppable and Unlimitable’ – price US$11.95

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Sunday, August 9, 2009

They are as normal as the guy next door

They are as normal as the guy next door

Even the great people are humans too!

In the past week I had the privilege of being part of the executive team that hosted our organisation’s Board of Directors for lunch and dinner. The board members had come for a board meeting from far and wide; some had flown in from as far as London; and some had flown from South Africa on their personal choppers and jets. It was a high-powered delegation with people like Nicky Oppenheimer, arguably Africa’s richest man; Gareth Penny the MD for De Beers Consolidated Mines (the world over) and some local heavy-weights like the Attorney-General for Botswana, just to name a few. It was interesting and refreshing interacting on a personal level with these great men and women who undoubtedly have made remarkable achievements in their lifetime. Knowing me, I had my mental pen ready to pick up any lesson that I can learn from the networking and also finding opportunity to sow a seed and make a difference in somebody’s life at that level. Those are the kind of people that you don’t always meet down the road; so if you get an opportunity to interact with them on a professional level then don’t lose the opportunity to plant an eternal seed. However, the greatest lesson I learnt from the interaction was that, great as they are on the world’s standards, they are just human beings too!   


They are as simple as the guy next door

Over the years, I have had great privileges to meet in person and talk to presidents; to meet and dine with the movers and pushers of the global marketplace and the ‘who’s who’ in the business world; I have closely associated with people blessed with great minds, who have made magnificent inventions; and with people blessed with great financial resources. After each meeting, I have never seized to be amazed at their simplicity. They all looked to me like real, normal human beings; simple people. The kind of people you have as the guy next door: plain simple. They don’t have anything that looks superhuman in their physique. They are plain simple human beings. This simple revelation gives me the courage to believe that if they look as normal as I do then, for sure, I can do what they can do; if only I dare to dream. If only you dare to dream and have the discipline to put your dreams into practice then there is no limit to what you can achieve with your life. There are no limitations to the mind except those that are acknowledged!


Rise to your potential

The men and women who made the greatest discoveries in the history of mankind did it without any previous ideas that they were inventors. They were persons with plain, straightforward commonsense, who saw a need in the world and immediately applied themselves to supply the need. They were not great men or women from Mars, but simple men and women who unleashed their minds to produce great ideas; men and women who dared to dream and determined to see their dreams come to life. You don’t need to be superhuman to make an impact; you don’t need to have royal blood; or to have a genealogy that links you to the Oppenheimers’, Bill Gates, Billy Graham or the TD Jake’s of this world. You just need to be you and believe in your capabilities.


Unleash your mind!

Robots have pre-programmed minds and are designed a specific purpose; but you have a free unrestricted mind; you are the programmer of your own mind. Thomas A. Edison who invented the light bulb had only an equivalent of 3 months ‘schooling’ his entire life. He did not blame his parents for not sending him to school. He made use of what he had – the mind – to provide the greatest of the human needs – light. Abraham Lincoln had a maximum of 18 months of formal schooling his entire life. He did not blame the system; he did not blame his poor peasant parents. He took control of his destiny and embarked on self-education until he became a lawyer. He lost in two elections but that did not keep him down until finally he rose up to power to become one of the most effective presidents in American history. Unleash the power of your mind.


My encouragement this week is ‘God hath not given you the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind’’ (2 Timothy 1 v 7). Get that mind to work!


Safe in His Hands

By the way, last weekend I had an accident while driving with my family on Saturday evening, at dusk. We were from encouraging some close friends of ours and while driving home on a highway we hit a big black cow. I know the enemy intended it for the worst but we saw the hand of the Lord. It’s the umpteenth time but the Lord keeps on rising to the occasion. As usual He wrapped us in His arms and kept us safe from the fiery darts of the enemy. None of us was injured but the vehicle was damaged. He reminded us that ‘Surely he will save us from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover us with his feathers, and under his wings we will find refuge; his faithfulness will be our shield and rampart’ (Psalm 91 v 3 & 4). The devil never gives up; but we will never give in either!


Calvary love 

Peter Mbada


*       I am sincerely grateful to all those that supported and encouraged me and the work by purchasing a copy of ‘Destined to Succeed’. It means a lot. May the Lord bless you abundantly.


God bless


Destined to succeed; Unstoppable and Unlimitable’ – price US$11.95

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