Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sometimes the way back is the only way forward

Sometimes the way back is the only way forward

Don’t miss out on the basics!

Last week I had a very hectic though productive time. I was invited to speak at a Christian national conference that had over a thousand people in attendance from all sorts of backgrounds and ages. I enjoyed the conference and I have no doubt in my mind that lives were transformed and destinies were reshaped. Immediately after my sessions I received several different invitations. As I have said many times before, there is nothing that gives me better satisfaction than to see lives transformed; destinies redefined and hopes restored and I suppose this is one of those weekends where so many people left the conference place convinced that life is worth living and that life is full of possibilities. During exactly the same weekend I was again invited to speak in one of the fastest growing churches in Gaborone. That made my weekend action packed; and after it all, I felt spent. When I got back home I sat down a couple of times to try and write the weekly article but I realized I had drawn quite a lot from myself and needed to refill. I needed some refreshment.


Later in the week I travelled to Johannesburg, South Africa for a couple of days to attend some very important meetings. Because I was feeling clever and smart upstairs, I didn’t do the necessary basics (carry the map); and so embarrassing to say, I got lost on my way from the airport to the hotel!


Lost in the maze

Believe me, the last thing you ever want to happen to you is to find yourself lost in Johannesburg without a map. My hotel was supposed to be a 30-minute drive from the airport; and so I set my first appointment to be about an hour after my arrival at the airport. Believe it or not, 3 hours later I was still stuck up somewhere in Johannesburg driving in the wrong direction without a map. I had missed a turn on the freeway. My ego told me that I will find my way, without asking, despite having the hotel numbers and the hotline numbers for traffic directions. How many people are stuck up in the maze of life moving in the wrong direction at high speed without a clear roadmap of where life is taking them to? Are you clear of your life’s direction? I was delayed for 3 hours because of my personal ego. Don’t be delayed in your life for many years because of your personal ego.  Your personal ego makes you refuse to admit that you need assistance; that you need somebody to help you with directions for life. It’s never too late to ask for assistance; it will only shorten the time it will take for you to achieve what you are created for. Why re-invent the wheel. ‘Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me’ (Psalm 40 v 7).


Pull over by the lay-by

After about one and half hours of trying all my driving and guessing tricks I realized I was only driving myself deeper into confusion. I was late for my appointment, I was sweating, I didn’t know where I was and was now feeling more and more frustrated but unfortunately I had no one to blame for my predicament, but myself. It was time to pull over the road and take a deep breath by the lay-by. I swallowed my pride and made the important call for directions. My wife laughed at me on this one when I told her because she has always had a tough time to get me to ask for directions when I am travelling with her! If you feel like your life is on auto-cruise heading in the wrong direction pulling over by the lay-by is not a sign of weakness or defeat. There are times you need to withdraw from the busyness, the confusion and hustles of everyday life so that you can re-orient yourself and pick up the right direction. Don’t be pressurized by the traffic flowing in the same direction as you. Don’t sleep-walk through life; take control and participate in the unfolding of your future; but that requires you knowing your direction. ‘But Jesus withdrew himself with his disciples to the sea:’ (Mark 3 v 7). Even after great exploitations Jesus would withdraw from the masses in order to commune with the Father and ascertain that He was still in the right direction for the mission. You must retreat and find time to commune with the Holy Ghost to ascertain whether you are driving your life in the right direction. Take time to pull-over by the side and seek for guidance and directions.


A bright and happy ending

I called the hotel for directions. The gentleman on the other side of the line told me what I least expected to hear; the inevitable! I had sunk so deep in the wrong direction that he couldn’t find the easiest way to direct me from where I was except to ask me to turn right, then right i.e. make a u-turn and find my way back to where I started. That was the only fastest and easiest way out for me. Once-beaten-twice shy, I was not about to make any arguments. I complied! Amazing enough, the way back towards the airport didn’t take me as long.


There are only two bad decisions you can make in life: (1) a decision not to make a decision when there is time to make a decision; and (2) a decision not to change a decision when you know that the decision was wrong. I decided to make a u-turn and that changed everything. Going back opened for me a way to make progress; it made it easier for me to find my direction and proceed faster towards my destination. Sometimes the way down is the only way up; the way back may be the only way forward. ‘Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he will exalt you’ (James 4 v 10). If you are stuck with a life that is heading in the wrong direction; it’s not be too late to make a fresh start in the right direction. You won’t be able to change the past; but you can change the future! You will not be able to change your beginning but, for sure, you can make your ending – a bright and happy ending!


Heaven is a 12-Star

This time round I made it to the hotel in 30 minutes. The beauty of the hotel and its surroundings more than compensated for the price I paid in making a fresh start. It was a 4-Star hotel. Had I not swallowed my pride, I would have settled for a less appealing destination; but I was glad I made a choice to start afresh. If man can make such beauty on only a 4-Star hotel; then be sure not to miss heaven because it’s a 12-Star. I was late for my appointment but, thank God, my appointee knew about Jo’burg traffic and he had patiently waited for me. Don’t miss your destiny simply because you are too proud to make a fresh start. REPENT!


Calvary love 

Peter Mbada



*      I am sincerely grateful to all those that have continued to support by purchasing, distributing and telling others about ‘Destined to Succeed’. It means a lot. May the Lord bless you abundantly.



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