Sunday, January 31, 2010

Clarion call to action

Clarion call to action

Fight for your inheritance

When I was young one of our neighbours was an elderly lady whom we used to call aMagaiza. She had some very naughty grandchildren who were in my age group. These guys were always up to some mischief and were always starting up a fight with everybody. Now aMagaiza was a big fat old-lady (forgive the pun) who was known for being loud mouthed. She always was very possessive of her grandchildren and would not allow anybody to lay a hand on them even if they were in the wrong. When aMagaiza was angry because somebody had beaten or fought her grandchildren, she would go into her house, put on a pair of trousers; fold up her skirts and tuck them on her waist; roll up her sleeves and go out to fight for her grandchildren. She would not remain silent for her grandchildren; she fought for them. She fought for what belonged to her. You must never allow the devil to temper with your inheritance! You must never keep silent and watch your marriage, your job, your promotion; your finances slipping away from you. Like aMagaiza, its time to tuck your skirts up high, roll your sleeves and fight and declare a war against the devil for the sake of your inheritance! 


Don’t wait for somebody else to start the music for you!

For a long time the story of the prodigal son in Luke chapter 15 used to make me feel teary and I would always sympathise with the older son who had remained working hard for the father while the prodigal son squandered his inheritance. I used to feel that the older son had been treated unfairly. He was an obedient and hardworking young man who had served his father faithfully but his father had never treated him with a lavish party; but instead he threw a big party for the prodigal son on his return.  But now I understand the truth. The problem was not with the father, but with the young man, the older brother. He did not know what was entitled to him. The father said to him, ‘Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours’ (Luke 15 v 31). He had his entire father’s wealth at his disposal and could have had as many parties as he wanted but he never did. He could have slaughtered as many animals as he wanted and enjoyed his life but he instead he spent all his life in the fields hoping and hoping that someday somebody will notice him and organize for him a party. He had no one to blame for the parties he did not have except himself. God has already made provisions for you and it’s up to you to know what you are entitled to and rise up to enjoy it. Don’t wait for somebody else to start the music in your life before you can dance; start the music yourself!


Timing is everything; don’t miss out on your season

You have your entire Father’s wealth at your disposal. As much as I don’t agree with the irresponsible way the prodigal son squandered what had been given to him; I still marvel at his boldness and risk-taking attitude for claiming his inheritance early in life. If only he had enough sense to invest what he had received he would have died a wealthy man. Success belongs to those that rise up and exploit their opportunities. Opportunities are like moving targets; you only have a limited window in which to aim and shoot and they are gone. If you don’t take your shots you lose everything. Opportunities come in cycles or seasons. Timing is everything. If you miss your season you might have to wait for a long time before the cycle comes again. Ask those that missed their opportunities for jobs, promotions or marriage; they would tell you that there was a time when there were so many suitors or job adverts but they did not take their shots and they missed out the window.


Act; the time is now

When opportunities arise don’t prejudge or disqualify yourself. Who told you that you can’t? Why do you tell yourself that you are not qualified for that job or that you cannot start on that project? You have nothing to loose but everything to gain by taking your chances. Never say ‘what if I fail”, always say ‘what if I succeed’ then you will have a winning attitude. I tell those around me that in life we have only two options: to win or to win immediately; nothing else. T he first month of 2010 is gone; only eleven months remaining. When are you going to rise up and begin to act on your plans and goals? God will only bless that which you act upon. He says, ‘Whatsoever you do shall prosper’ (Psalm 1 v 3b). God will prosper only that which is done. He won’t give you wealth but the inert potential and ability to make wealth; but what you will do with the potential is your call. Rise up! He it 'is' who is giving to you power to make wealth (Deuteronomy 8 v 18). ‘The blessing of the Lord, it makes rich, and he adds no sorrow with it’ (Proverbs 10 v 22). The blessing of the Lord is not the riches itself but it is the empowerment or the endowment with God’s favor that calls for you to action before you can receive. It’s not necessarily one big quantum leap that will change your life; small consistent incremental changes to your life and your lifestyle can yield quantum results. Action, action, action, lets get going!


Let’s get busy with our visions; don’t let time leave you behind!


Calvary love 

Peter Mbada


v    UPCOMING EVENTS: A life transforming experience not to be missed! If succeeding in every dimension of your life is one of your goals this year then you cannot afford to miss the upcoming series of seminars and workshops; the first one is in Orapa. Date: 27 February 2010; Venue: IRC Hall; Topic: Mastering the Art of Wealth Creation: Developing your financial IQ. Attendance is by bookings only, there is limited seating. For more info write me on


*      Thanks for partnering with me in inspiring the world by purchasing a copy of ‘Destined to Succeed; Unstoppable and Unlimitable’!





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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Choose to do the right!

Choose do what is right!

A dozen questions!

Sometimes in life we re confronted with situations where one is forced to make difficult decisions; situations where we are forced to choose between what is right and what is fair. What should a rape victim who conceived do with the unborn baby? What should someone do when they are caught over-speeding so much that they have to appear in court, but the police officer just asks for a little bit of money to get them off the hook?  What should one do when they discover their spouse is HIV positive and themselves they are negative but still want to have children? What does a person do when there is a national crisis in the country and they don’t have a passport and they perceive that their only way to survive is to cross to the neighboring country? What will you do when the person holding your key to the multi-million dollar tender is asking for a back-hand which you can afford in order for him to push the deal through; it’s a matter of life and death for your business? Should you continue to pay your tithes when you are unclear about what they are being used for? The local news bulletins are carrying the story of a gay couple (both male) in Malawi who were recently arrested immediately after their wedding for being involved in a same sex marriage, which is against the law in that country. What was the government supposed to do? I am not trying to initiate a human rights debate but I am trying to let you know that what is fair and logical is not necessarily what is right! What will you chose? God said to Cain ‘If you do well (right), shall you not be accepted’ (Genesis 4 v 7).


Rightness or fairness: what’s your choice?

The Pharisees and the Herodians approached Jesus and said ‘Tell us therefore, what thinkest thou? Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or not?’ (Matthew 22 v 17). The Roman government was an oppressive regime that used the tax funds for financing oppression and for the personal enrichment of its officers like Zaccheaus. The people paid taxes fully knowing that their money was being abused; so the Pharisees asked Jesus a pertinent question, should people continue to show loyalty to a corrupt government by paying taxes.  Jesus did not mince his response – don’t compare rightness and fairness. Do what is right and ‘Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's’ (Matthew 22 v 21).


Even in your pursuit of your dreams choose right!

As we begin the year you must pursue your dreams with passion, enthusiasm and energy. You are destined to succeed and to make it as long as you are bold and remain vigilant. I have told you before that when you have a dream you have two options: (1) to sleep on and dream on, or (2) to rise up and pursue your dreams. Chose the latter! Rise up and pursue your dreams with tenacity and boldness.  Life favors the bold! You will make enemies along the way but do not be afraid to be hated by those that are not part of your destiny. If they hate you it only means that you are significant enough to be noticed. ‘Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee’ (Deuteronomy 31 v 6). As you pursue your dreams controversy will come and you will have to make difficult decisions from time to time: chose to do what is right. Don’t try to be politically correct or compromise rightness in order to be fair!


Do what is right and you will be rewarded.


Calvary love 

Peter Mbada


*       Thanks for partnering with me in inspiring the world by purchasing a copy of  ‘Destined to Succeed; Unstoppable and Unlimitable’!





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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Open your eyes and see yonder!

Open your eyes and see yonder!


In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he did fly’. (Isaiah 6 v 1-2)


You get what you see!

Isaiah lived in the era of the great King Uzziah. King Uzziah was a great man and most admirable for all the good things. But his goodness, exploits and greatness limited the vision of Isaiah. Each time Isaiah looked up, he saw king Uzziah! He was a symbol of the ultimate and became a limiting barrier and a low ceiling in the life of Isaiah. Isaiah’s real breakthrough only came on the day the low ceiling was broken. On the day king Uzziah died, Isaiah saw the open heavens. You cannot experience your breakthrough unless your limiting barriers and low ceilings are broken. Don’t allow somebody else’s exploits and greatness to overshadow your vision. He may be your hero but he is not the ultimate! Don’t wait for the sun to go down before you can let the star in you shine brighter. Don’t allow your geographical, social, academic or occupational environment dictate the furthest you can see. You have the inert potential to see beyond. See yonder! You get what you see!


With two they covered their faces

When King Uzziah died Isaiah experienced the open heavens and saw the six-winged seraphim. With two wings they covered their faces. With two wings they guarded their eyes and ears jealously. If you are going to make it in this year watch what you watch and what you hear. Stop watching things that will instill fear, doubt and a sense of diminished self worth in your life. When I was in university I used to have a problem studying in the university library. Each time I go there everybody else looked so serious as if they were really absorbing data and understanding the big books they were reading; while I was the only one struggling with data intake. It made me feel like the worst thing to ever happen in the university, until I chose to do my studies in the privacy of my own room. Exam time always proved that after all I wasn’t the worst. I closed my eyes to those that were dwarfing and diminishing my self-esteem and self-image. Don’t listen to abominable, negative and limiting talk. Guard your ears jealously you will need them at the top.      


With two they covered their legs

As you determine to make it in 2010, watch your step. Your personality will earn you promotion and admiration but it’s your character that will sustain you. Watch were your feet will take you too. ‘There is a way that seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death’ (Proverbs 16 v 25). Allow Him to order your footsteps this year because ‘the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord:’ (Psalm 37 v 23). Guard you character jealously like a clay pot. It takes a lot of skill to make a master piece clay-pot but once broken and shattered you can’t bring the pieces together.


With two they flew

The same God who provided the resources to safeguard the faces and the feet is the same God who provided the wings to fly. If you will not allow your king Uzziah to overshadow your vision you are going to soar; you are going to fly high. With the same determination with which you will guard your face and your feet you must stretch your wings to the winds of your potential. The eagles were made to fly and not to scrap for worms among the chickens. You were made to fly and were given the resources to make it to the heights! You have unlimited potential to achieve the extraordinary. It’s not the extraordinary who will do the impossible but the ordinary who will dare discover the unlimited potential that lies in them; the ordinary men and women who will not allow themselves to be dwarfed by those that have achieved their own successes. Potential is only discovered when tapped; challenge yourself and stretch those wings.


Open your eyes and see yonder!


Calvary love 

Peter Mbada


*       Thanks for partnering with me in inspiring the world by purchasing a copy of  ‘Destined to Succeed; Unstoppable and Unlimitable’!





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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Put your best foot forward

Put your best foot forward


No other bells will ring to spur you on!

My birthday comes on the 4th day of each year which is a stern reminder for me each year, just after some good holidays, that time and tide waits for no man and that the future comes one day at a time. As I add one more year, this week, to the length of my existence so far on earth I don’t feel any different from the week before. I sure don’t feel older or groggier than last week; but one thing I know is that any time I did not productively utilize or any opportunities I did not exploit are now behind me. But I thank God for an opportunity to start again this year on a fresh page. You must begin this year with your best foot forward and with an action-oriented-attitude. We all make resolutions which we never act on; but this year must be a different one. Write down quantifiable action-oriented goals and objectives and set targets; and begin working towards them. Make use of the early-movers’ advantage and don’t wait for tomorrow or next month to start acting on your 2010 plans. 2010 is here and now; and we are already ploughing into it, one day at a time. No other bells will ring to spur you into action – arise! 


Keep the fire burning!

I read that in the ancient Greek Marathon race, the athletes used to run with a burning torch in their hands. Victory was not just to the first man or woman across the finishing line, but victory was to the first person to cross the line with their torch burning. It did not matter how fast an athlete you were, you would not be counted unless your fire was still burning when you got to the finishing line. ‘The race was not to the swift; nor the battle to the strong’ (Ecclesiastes 9 v 11) but to those who kept the fire burning to the end. For one to protect their fire from extinguishing meant that they sometimes had to endure the pain of being overtaken while they tendered for or fanned the flame. They had to guard the flame affectionately and jealously while focusing on the finishing line. As you put you best foot forward in this year remember to also keep the fire burning to the end. Of what use will it be for you to succeed at the cost of bruised relationships; broken marriages; destroyed health and a backslidden spirit? Don’t chase success and achievements at the expense of the things that are more valuable in life. If anyone overtakes you, tell them you are busy tendering your fire and no matter how long it will take you will make it to the end! In 2010 keep the fire burning right to the end!


A year of Open Heavens!

When Jacob was on the way to Haran to get a wife he slept at a place called Luz. While he slept ‘he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it’ (Genesis 28 v 12). Jacob experienced the open heavens! With the heavens open, Jacob received a personalised service by the angels as they ascended and descended on the ladder that connected the heaven and the earth. Jacob had a direct line to the heavens and God spoke to him and said ‘I am the Lord God of Abraham your father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon you lie, to you will I give it, and to your seed; And your seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and you shall spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south: and in you and in your seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed. And, behold, I am with you, and will keep you in all places whither you shall go, and will bring you again into this land; for I will not leave you, until I have done that which I have spoken to you of (Genesis 28 v 13 – 15). The open heavens brought the presence of God into the life of Jacob! With the open heavens God pledged a blessing upon the life of Jacob; and He committed Himself that He will provide for Jacob; that He will protect Jacob; that He will bless the fruit of Jacob; that He will multiply Jacob; and that He will fulfill His promises in the life of Jacob. As you step into 2010 may this be a year of Open Heavens for you; a year in which God will come through for you in a direct and special way until you shout ‘God this is enough!’ And remember the open heavens come with a special commitment on your part to give back to God when He has blessed you as Jacob vowed a vow to give back unto God (Genesis 28 v 20).


May 2010 be a year of Open Heavens for you!


Calvary love 

Peter Mbada


*       Thanks for partnering with me in inspiring the world by purchasing a copy of  ‘Destined to Succeed; Unstoppable and Unlimitable’!





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