Sunday, January 31, 2010

Clarion call to action

Clarion call to action

Fight for your inheritance

When I was young one of our neighbours was an elderly lady whom we used to call aMagaiza. She had some very naughty grandchildren who were in my age group. These guys were always up to some mischief and were always starting up a fight with everybody. Now aMagaiza was a big fat old-lady (forgive the pun) who was known for being loud mouthed. She always was very possessive of her grandchildren and would not allow anybody to lay a hand on them even if they were in the wrong. When aMagaiza was angry because somebody had beaten or fought her grandchildren, she would go into her house, put on a pair of trousers; fold up her skirts and tuck them on her waist; roll up her sleeves and go out to fight for her grandchildren. She would not remain silent for her grandchildren; she fought for them. She fought for what belonged to her. You must never allow the devil to temper with your inheritance! You must never keep silent and watch your marriage, your job, your promotion; your finances slipping away from you. Like aMagaiza, its time to tuck your skirts up high, roll your sleeves and fight and declare a war against the devil for the sake of your inheritance! 


Don’t wait for somebody else to start the music for you!

For a long time the story of the prodigal son in Luke chapter 15 used to make me feel teary and I would always sympathise with the older son who had remained working hard for the father while the prodigal son squandered his inheritance. I used to feel that the older son had been treated unfairly. He was an obedient and hardworking young man who had served his father faithfully but his father had never treated him with a lavish party; but instead he threw a big party for the prodigal son on his return.  But now I understand the truth. The problem was not with the father, but with the young man, the older brother. He did not know what was entitled to him. The father said to him, ‘Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours’ (Luke 15 v 31). He had his entire father’s wealth at his disposal and could have had as many parties as he wanted but he never did. He could have slaughtered as many animals as he wanted and enjoyed his life but he instead he spent all his life in the fields hoping and hoping that someday somebody will notice him and organize for him a party. He had no one to blame for the parties he did not have except himself. God has already made provisions for you and it’s up to you to know what you are entitled to and rise up to enjoy it. Don’t wait for somebody else to start the music in your life before you can dance; start the music yourself!


Timing is everything; don’t miss out on your season

You have your entire Father’s wealth at your disposal. As much as I don’t agree with the irresponsible way the prodigal son squandered what had been given to him; I still marvel at his boldness and risk-taking attitude for claiming his inheritance early in life. If only he had enough sense to invest what he had received he would have died a wealthy man. Success belongs to those that rise up and exploit their opportunities. Opportunities are like moving targets; you only have a limited window in which to aim and shoot and they are gone. If you don’t take your shots you lose everything. Opportunities come in cycles or seasons. Timing is everything. If you miss your season you might have to wait for a long time before the cycle comes again. Ask those that missed their opportunities for jobs, promotions or marriage; they would tell you that there was a time when there were so many suitors or job adverts but they did not take their shots and they missed out the window.


Act; the time is now

When opportunities arise don’t prejudge or disqualify yourself. Who told you that you can’t? Why do you tell yourself that you are not qualified for that job or that you cannot start on that project? You have nothing to loose but everything to gain by taking your chances. Never say ‘what if I fail”, always say ‘what if I succeed’ then you will have a winning attitude. I tell those around me that in life we have only two options: to win or to win immediately; nothing else. T he first month of 2010 is gone; only eleven months remaining. When are you going to rise up and begin to act on your plans and goals? God will only bless that which you act upon. He says, ‘Whatsoever you do shall prosper’ (Psalm 1 v 3b). God will prosper only that which is done. He won’t give you wealth but the inert potential and ability to make wealth; but what you will do with the potential is your call. Rise up! He it 'is' who is giving to you power to make wealth (Deuteronomy 8 v 18). ‘The blessing of the Lord, it makes rich, and he adds no sorrow with it’ (Proverbs 10 v 22). The blessing of the Lord is not the riches itself but it is the empowerment or the endowment with God’s favor that calls for you to action before you can receive. It’s not necessarily one big quantum leap that will change your life; small consistent incremental changes to your life and your lifestyle can yield quantum results. Action, action, action, lets get going!


Let’s get busy with our visions; don’t let time leave you behind!


Calvary love 

Peter Mbada


v    UPCOMING EVENTS: A life transforming experience not to be missed! If succeeding in every dimension of your life is one of your goals this year then you cannot afford to miss the upcoming series of seminars and workshops; the first one is in Orapa. Date: 27 February 2010; Venue: IRC Hall; Topic: Mastering the Art of Wealth Creation: Developing your financial IQ. Attendance is by bookings only, there is limited seating. For more info write me on


*      Thanks for partnering with me in inspiring the world by purchasing a copy of ‘Destined to Succeed; Unstoppable and Unlimitable’!





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