Sunday, March 28, 2010

Don't be stuck in a cul-de-sac

Don’t be stuck in a cul-de-sac

It’s easy to be misunderstood by your own

I had a hectic but interesting week! On Thursday evening I had a scheduled seminar in support of one of the local schools and also as a way to share important knowledge with the community. I prepared my best presentation in the midst of my tight schedules. In fact, I had to fly back from a business meeting the same afternoon in time for the event. I made sure I had my best attire on, that goes with the classic message I had prepared. I had also enlisted one of the best upcoming music groups to present quality music at interludes. When I arrived at the event just in time to get on with the seminar I had some great fun; the attendance was dismal! Only 4 people had turned out for the event, from the numbers I had expected. I had to call off the seminar because we didn’t have a quorum! I understood how the king whom Jesus spoke about in a parable felt when he had prepared a wedding feast and had invited all his friends to the feast ‘but they made light of it, and went their ways, one to his farm, another to his merchandise’ (Matthew 22 v 5). Two days later I was scheduled to speak in some place about 150km away. I was surprised at the multitudes that came and their response to the message. They insisted that I come again the following morning and the impact was phenomenal. I was touched at the transformed lives I saw! When you are up to something great it’s easy to be misunderstood by your own; but that should not slow you down. Keep moving! Even if you feel like you are hitting against a wall; don’t give up your vision. Your vision does not require a quorum or a critical mass for it to blossom. God makes ‘every thing beautiful in His time’ (Ecclesiastes 3 v 11).


You don’t need a referendum for you to move on

We are approaching the close of the first quarter and it’s the right time to take stock on whether 2010 is living up to your expectations. When you are paving a new path there are always challenges; but as I have always said many times over – when existing patterns are broken new worlds emerge! Everything in life worth having comes at a price! Your vision – if its one that will make a meaningful impact will come at a cost. There is no competition at the top because of the price one has to pay to get to the top. The price is a natural filter that will separate the normal or the mediocre from the champions!  There is no sustainable success without hard-work; not just hard-work but very hard-work and sacrifice. The dismal attendance for my seminar, though disappointing did not dishearten me; because I know that part of the price for success is to endure frustration but keep moving on. When you hit a snag on the road don’t give up and don’t let frustration slow you down. Keep going! I actually had great fun because ‘I know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose’ (Romans 8 v 28). If your vision resonates with the purpose of God for your life you have nothing to worry about even if you don’t get thumbs up from a referendum or the popular vote. Some day when ‘all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven will be opened’ (Genesis 7 v 11).


Don’t be stuck in a cul-de-sac

As you take stock of yourself you need to know the difference between a T-junction and a cul-de-sac. A T-junction is when you have to stop and decide which direction to turn; but a cul-de-sac is a dead end; a situation that will never change. Evaluate where you are standing regarding your vision and plans. There are times when you realise that no matter how much effort, time and hard-work you are putting into something you are not making progress at all. It’s at that point when you need to check whether you are not investing your resources and energy in a cul-de-sac. In a cul-de-sac it doesn’t matter how hard you may work on something you never progress. That’s exactly the point when you need to practice positive quitting; quitting not because you have failed but quitting because you have enough sense and wisdom to realise that you are stuck in a cul-de-sac. This of course is not justification to make you quit at everything that you start in life. Champions are finishers; not just starters. So even if you know that you can quit on something, you must also know that to get to the top you need the spirit of a finisher.


Timing is everything

I had an interesting conversation with a doctor friend of mine. He has just started an exciting ground-breaking project in Zimbabwe in line with his field. He started this project after an extended time of prayer and was convinced that God is in it with him. Even as he testified to me the achievements he has had just in this first quarter of 2010 you can see the supernatural hand of the Almighty God. But as he shared the vision with several other people he has received several opposing voices and negative advice. I said to him, as long as you are in it with the Lord, your vision does not have to make sense to anybody. Don’t kick-start your vision by forming an approval committee! Rise up and exploit your dreams. Timing is everything. If you miss your timing you may miss your opportunity forever!


God bless you as you manouvre the remaining part of the first quarter


Calvary love 

Peter Mbada


*       Thanks for partnering with me in inspiring the world by purchasing a copy of ‘Destined to Succeed; Unstoppable and Unlimitable’!





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