Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter is behind us; but don't forget the message

Easter is behind us; but don’t forget the message


Don’t be sorry for Him; but be sorrowful for your sins

The Easter weekend is behind us and I trust that the Lord kept you safe during this important season. As I drove around in various places, particularly on Friday, I met a number of church groups marching in processions carrying crosses and singing hymns. What struck me most was how most of them looked sorrowful as they slowly marched and sang the sombre hymns. As we commemorate the events of Easter we should never forget the fact that the reason for the season is to celebrate the victory of the risen Christ and not to feel sorry for Him. He went through the pain for our sake and ‘surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed’ (Isaiah 53 v 4 – 5). He went through the pain of death so that you and I might experience the joys of life; He was made sin so that you and me ‘might be made the righteousness of God in Him’ (2 Corinthians 5 v 21). The distinguishing factor is that He rose again. Examine your life; when you continue in sin, even though you may march sorrowfully, you despise all that which He suffered. 


Don’t lose sight of your eternal purpose

As you continue in the journey of life and as you continue to invest in your personal development and personal wealth and pursuing your aspirations you must never loose sight of your eternal purpose. It is important that you maintain the balance and not win this life at the expense of your eternal inheritance in Christ.  During the week preceding the Easter Holidays I had exclusive interviews with the national broadcasters in Zimbabwe on the subject of success. I was interviewed for a prime business show on radio (SFM radio station) and also for the Main News on television (ZTV) with a special focus on my book ‘Destined to Succeed – Unstoppable and Unlimitable’. During the interview I stressed the fact that success is not true success if it’s not balanced. Success is not just about making money and climbing the corporate ladder; but is holistic. Among the six dimensions that one should focus on to achieve true success is Spiritual Success. Success is not absolute success if it makes you a billionaire who is a spiritual destitute; the story of Lazarus and the rich man is a good illustration (Luke 16). I will share on the other five dimensions in the next article. After all has been said and done you must remain sure that you have a crown laid up for you in heaven. Christ laid the foundation for our salvation and our crowns when He conquered death and rose again – the Easter experience.


May the Lord bless you as you get back to business after the long weekend!


PS: If you are in Zimbabwe you can tune in to SFM Radio (ZBC) on Tuesday 14 April 2009 at 1905hrs to listen to my hour-long interview on the prime business show. A brief interview will also be aired on ZTV Main News and the Morning Live shows. We thank God for continually opening the doors. You can send me your comments on the interview on the website.  


Calvary love 

Peter Mbada


For your copy of  'Destined to Succeed: unstoppable and unlimitable'.  Check any online bookstores or contact me directly!


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