Sunday, December 13, 2009

Action, action, action - there is magic in action

Action, action, action – there is magic in action!


Don’t forget to appreciate the special people in your life

It’s that time of the year again when we express our gratitude and appreciate those that bring meaning to our lives and those that have walked with us and helped us realize our dreams, hopes and destinies. This weekend my wife and I took our parents, all our employees and their families for a thanksgiving dinner and a night out as a way of thanking God for having brought all those special people in our lives and for thanking them all for the various roles which they continue to play in shaping us and moulding our visions. I will be taking a break from this week to the beginning of the New Year and will be taking my family on their well-deserved holiday.  


Be the change you want to see!

For me it’s been an exciting year in which I learnt a lot. I did not hold back in seizing the opportunities that came my way and in creating opportunities where there were none. In some instances I won and in some I did not win; but I never lost! Where I did not win I learnt valuable lessons and gained valuable experience. One of the greatest lessons I learnt in this year is that ‘miracles happen in motion’. Each time Jesus healed somebody He asked them to move; when He healed the crippled He asked them to rise and walk; when He healed the lepers He asked to go and show themselves to the priest; when He healed the blind He asked them to go and wash their eyes or do something else. He did not heal the cripple and just say ‘test yourself while seated there’. There is something about action. Don’t just sit there and wait for things to happen. Don’t just complain about things while expecting somebody else to do something. Complaining builds negative energy. Be a champion of change! Be the change you want to see. If people aren’t that prayerful in church; complaining won’t bring prayerfulness. Mobilize and begin to lead prayer. To be the change you want to see you don't have to be loud or eloquent; you don't have to be elected or even have to be particularly smart or well educated. You just have to be committed to action. Take personal responsibility. You don't need everyone's cooperation or anyone's permission to make things happen. Don't wait for things to be right in order to begin. Things will never be just right. Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. You must gather the tenacity of Esther who rose up to take action and said, ‘I go in unto the King, which is not according to the law: and if I perish I perish’ (Esther 4:16). Let the motion begin with you!


2010: The Year of Action

In my native Shona language there is a saying which says ‘basa rinopera nekushandwa’ which literally means ‘a task is accomplished by doing it’. As we step into 2010 you must commit to the discipline of action. Start with the small things. Wake up when you are supposed to wake up – stop hitting the snooze button on your alarm clock a hundred times before you eventually drag yourself out of bed. Imagine how much you would have accomplished this year if only you had the discipline to act on your dreams, plans and objectives. Action, action, action – there is magic in action!  Imagine how much you would have accomplished this year if only you had the discipline to act; you would have completed that book you wanted to write; you would have started that business you were thinking of; you would have built that house on your plans; you would have saved for that vacation. As you wind down the remainder of this year take a 20-pound hammer and do a good work of crushing the inertia in you life; the inertia which drags you down before you can spring into action; if only you can overcome the initial inertia you will be able to celebrate the joys of accomplishment. Make 2010 the year of ACTION and you will be amazed at the potential of what you can achieve.


Let me be the first!

I am excited as I begin to pray for the New Year. I have exciting assignments locally, nationally, regionally and internationally that will cover a good part of the year. The faithfulness of God is always amazing. I would like to take opportunity to wish you and your families the best for the remaining part of the year and also be the first to wish you a great action-packed 2010 in which your dreams will come true. In 2010 may God help you to ‘stop making a living and begin creating a life!’ By His Grace, I will definitely be back, with more action and more zest! I leave you with my most favorite scripture,


But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him.

He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream.
       It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green.
       It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit’

(Jeremiah 17 v 7 – 8).

Calvary love 

Peter Mbada



*      I will be preparing a gift for blessing the brethren who sacrificially work behind the scenes to keep the website alive and ensure all the articles are available for your edification anytime. They do a great job completely voluntarily and I believe God will remember they labour of love. I will also be working on improvements on the website to make it a complete resource centre for your edification. If you want to join me in any way in making these a reality you can contact me.  


*       Thanks for partnering with me in inspiring the world by purchasing a copy of  ‘Destined to Succeed; Unstoppable and Unlimitable’; and by sharing this message!





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Thursday, December 10, 2009

2010: The Year for launching into the deep!

2010: The Year for launching into the deep!

There is still a remnant

This past weekend I travelled to witness the wedding of one young man I have walked with for many years. It’s encouraging to see in such a generation as this, young people who believe in the value of waiting; who believe in abstinence and who keep their chastity to the day of marriage. I believe very deep down in my heart that God has a special spot for faithfulness and that there are certain blessings and breakthroughs that are associated with faithfulness. As you raise young men and young ladies, out there, teach them faithfulness; and instill in them the discipline and the wisdom to understand that short-cuts can be wrong-cuts. Faithfulness will always be rewarded. The world has a way of making us all believe that everyone is doing it and so we may as well do it. You are not everyone! There is a remnant!


You can make a great come back!

Its exciting times as we approach the end of the year. It’s almost like approaching the shores again after a long year of toiling and sweating. For some it’s approaching the shores with great smiles while for some it’s approaching with grave tears. For Simon Peter and crew it was a sad and frustrating moment for them to approach the shores having caught nothing the whole night (Luke 5). Their labours had been in vain and their efforts fruitless. However, the fact that Peter and company had caught nothing the whole night did not mean that there was no fish in the water. The fact that their fishing nets were empty did not mean that the waters were empty. The fact that you may not have had a great year does not mean that there were no opportunities in the year. The fact that you came out with empty nets this year does not mean that it was an empty year. I don’t know what sort of year you had! I know the world went into recession – but I chose not to participate in the recession; I know the year was awash with sad news – but I chose not to believe the negative. ‘Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep’ (Psalm 127 v 1-2).  Whether you got something or nothing out of this year it’s not all lost! The come-back season will be more powerful than what’s already lost; you can make a bigger harvest in the come-back round. ‘Thus saith the Lord; Refrain thy voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears: for thy work shall be rewarded, saith the Lord; and they shall come again from the land of the enemy. And there is hope in thine end’ (Jeremiah 31 v 16 – 17a).


The big catch is coming

There is a lot of excitement in the air for 2010 especially in this part of the world. Somehow everybody has a feeling that they are going to come out with full hands in 2010 and everyone is excited that the world’s greatest economies are slowly emerging out of recession. I learnt early in life that the greatest of all folly is to continue doing the same thing over and over again and expect to get a different set of results. Unless you relook at yourself and your strategies you will come out of the New Year with empty nets again. Simon Peter only went back into the water at the saying of the Lord. ‘Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net’ (Luke 5 v 5). You need the word of the Lord for the new season. You can’t go it alone. God does not wait for the Soccer world cup to bless you; God’s economy is not bankrupted by the recession. God does not have a limited budget or an inflationary blessing policy. Esau asked his father, ‘hast thou but one blessing, my father?’ (Genesis 27 v 38). Isaac had a limited supply of blessings but God has enough to go round and still have more left over. You have to know where to cast your nets. Jesus said to Simon Peter, ‘Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a big catch’ (Luke 5 v 4). 2010 is the year for a big catch for those that will ‘launch into the deep’ and cast their nets; don’t launch into the deep and keep your nets folded! Launce your prayer life deeper – there is a harvest coming.


God is desiring a deeper relationship with you! Launch into the deep in every dimension.


Calvary love 

Peter Mbada



*      I will be preparing a gift for blessing the brethren who sacrificially work behind the scenes to keep the website alive and ensure all the articles are available for your edification anytime. They do a great job completely voluntarily and I believe God will remember they labour of love. I will also be working on improvements on the website to make it a complete resource centre for your edification. If you want to join me in any way in making these a reality you can contact me.  


*       Thanks for partnering with me in inspiring the world by purchasing a copy of  ‘Destined to Succeed; Unstoppable and Unlimitable’; and by sharing this message!





Debswana Diamond Company Email Disclaimer: The information contained in this e-mail is confidential and may be subject to legal privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not use, copy, distribute or disclose the e-mail or any part of its contents or take any action in reliance on it. If you have received this e-mail in error, please e-mail the sender by replying to this message. All reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure no viruses are present in this e-mail and the sender cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage arising from the use of this e-mail or attachments.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Walk in authority

Walk in Authority

It’s not about the stature

Every so often when I am walking around the malls, attending functions or driving in different towns and cities I am stopped by people, most of whom I may not even remember or recognize. They are excited and they indicate that that they have heard me speak or have read my works and they will be expressing their gratitude for the life transforming experiences they have had. Recently a friend of mine introduced me to another friend. When that person heard my name she exclaimed and said that she has heard a lot about me; has had an opportunity to read my book but she expected to see a much bigger person with an imposing stature. She was surprised to see that I look just ordinary. I enjoyed the comment because I have heard the same comment a countless number of times. You don’t need to look superhuman or macho before you can begin to do something that can change somebody’s life. They said of Paul ‘for his letters are weighty and powerful; but his bodily presence is weak and his speech contemptible’ (2 Corinthians 10 v 10). It’s not about the stature but the seed in you.


Walk in authority; it has nothing to do with you

Authority has nothing to do with you; but the power backing you. Imagine a VISA debit card or any other ATM debit card you use; the card is not money in itself but it has buying power. The buying power is not in the card itself but it is supported by the cash which is in the bank account. If there is no money in the account the card will not make a transaction or else you go in the red. Nobody has to see the cash before they can accept your card; but the cash in the bank comes to your support when the card is swiped. When you are in Christ you have the backing of the heavenly host. You don’t have to look powerful or feel important; you just have to make a transaction with you life using the word of God and the whole heavenly host will back you. Make a declaration and see situations shift. Do not doubt or be afraid for He said, ‘lo, I am with you always even to the end of the age’ (Matthew 28 v 18b).  When you encounter sickness, depression, doubt, lack or whatever situation, just make a transaction and see your whole back-up spring into action!


Walk in authority; it has nothing to do with your appearance

Authority has nothing to do with your physical appearance or physical strength Picture a traffic policeman or woman at a roadblock. When they stand there in their police uniform they represent the national powers; they represent the government. It doesn’t matter how small their statures may be; it doesn’t matter what model car or what size truck you are driving, when they lift their hands to stop you, you have no option but to stop. What stops you is not their physical muscles or power; but what stops you is the authority that is backing them. By raising their hand they are declaring that ‘by virtue of the authority that is vested in me by the government of this country I command you to stop’. It is not about them; but it is about the authority conferred to them by a higher power. They might look despised; but they have the backing of the government. In one country, I was stopped at a roadblock, at night, by shabby looking policemen dressed in old-faded uniforms. They didn’t even have any lighting or torches. They had to use a cell-phone light to search my car. Their authority had nothing to do with their looks, resources or their presentability but their confidence was that they had the backing of the government.  Jesus Christ said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me’ (Matthew 28 v 18) and ‘behold, I give you authority over all the power of the enemy’ (Luke 10 v 19). Never again walk in fear; ‘blessed is the man that trusts in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is’ (Jeremiah 17 v 7a).


Walk in authority; it’s about Christ and the Word in you

Walk in authority and use your authority to confront the situations of your life; use the authority to command the mountains in your life to shift. Christ Jesus said, ‘if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you’ (Matthew 17 v 20). You have the backing of the heaven host to move and shake the mountains that have been standing steadfast before you. Whatever has been bringing misery to your life; you have the authority over it. It has nothing to do with your ability, strengths or wisdom but everything to do with the powers that are backing you, the heavenly host. Fill your account with the word of God; ‘Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly (Colossians 3 v 16). You can’t transact with the backing of another person’s account. The sons of Sceva learnt the hard way when they tried to transact using Paul’s account and they were embarrassed by the devils (Acts 19).


Walk in confidence and exercise your authority without fear or doubt – you have the backing of a great power – Jesus Christ!


Calvary love 

Peter Mbada



*      Thanks for partnering with me in inspiring the world by purchasing a copy of  ‘Destined to Succeed; Unstoppable and Unlimitable’; and by sharing this message!


Debswana Diamond Company Email Disclaimer: The information contained in this e-mail is confidential and may be subject to legal privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not use, copy, distribute or disclose the e-mail or any part of its contents or take any action in reliance on it. If you have received this e-mail in error, please e-mail the sender by replying to this message. All reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure no viruses are present in this e-mail and the sender cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage arising from the use of this e-mail or attachments.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Enjoy life in its simplicity

Enjoy life in its simplicity


A weekend with the security forces

During the weekend I had a great opportunity to speak to a gathering of various law enforcement agents and community leaders. It was a wonderful experience to speak in such an occasion and a great opportunity too to shape the nations. We have a mandate to influence the world one person at a time; and we must make use of every opportunity to plant the right seeds. I had a great time speaking, from the word of God, to these men and women who do a great job but whose efforts are seldom recognised or appreciated. I declared to them that faithfulness and commitment will always be rewarded.


Enjoy life in its simplicity

I think that over the years I have become wiser and stronger! The experiences of life whether good or bad shaped me and moulded the spectacles through which I see life. The bible says of Jesus Christ that ‘though he was a Son, yet he learned obedience by the things which he suffered (experienced)’ (Hebrews 5 v 8). I have experienced the joys of plenty and the pains of lack; the excitement of victory and the disappointment of failure; the hustles and bustles of Times Square and Broadway Street in New York City and the squeaking of crickets in remote Mozambique; I have experienced the luxury of the lush hotels by the seas-side dining on Sushi; and the pains of the floor in a hut smelling of cow-dung; I have experienced the serenity of a hot-air-balloon glide up in the skies and I have experienced the stuffy-hot-air down in the mines. In all these things I have leant that it’s the simple things in life that are most amazing! Real joy comes when we learn to appreciate the simple things God has graced us with. ‘Life doesn’t consist of the abundance of the things which one possesses’ (Luke 12 v 15). Life is when we learn to savour every moment that God gives us. Enjoy life in its simplicity – and learn to praise God for the simple things in life - the simple things that money cannot buy.


Quit comparing yourself with anyone else

I have come to realise that the most occasions that I have been most unhappy in life is when I had compared myself against somebody else. Most of us are very happy about our situations until we compare ourselves with somebody else; we are happy with our performance until we compare our abilities against somebody else; we are to a certain extent content with our salaries until we discover one of our peers who seems to be making more money than us; and we are excited about our cars until we meet a friend driving a later model. Even David was ‘envious at the foolish, when he saw the prosperity of the wicked (Psalm 73 v 3).   I am reminded of Al Hafed, the old wealthy farmer in the book ‘Acres of Diamonds’. He was wealthy because he was content and he was content because he was wealthy. He was a happy man until he was told about the value of diamond and how wealthy the people that possess it are. Because he didn’t own diamond he felt poor and became unhappy. We focus more on what we don’t have than on the value of what we already have; and as a result most people spend their lives chasing after things only to realise at the end of it all, after they are tired, spent and worn out, that what they were looking for is what they have always had. I want to you know that even in that thing which you think you are very good at there is always somebody somewhere better than you; even your most valued possession there is somebody somewhere who has something better. Appreciate what you have and don’t compare yourself. Quit concentrating on being the best and start concentrating on what you are best at; be the best at what you do and compete against your own potential.


Quitting is not an option

I am constantly speaking to people and every so often I meet people who have been dealt serious blows by life; people who are ready to throw in the towel and give up on their dear life. I meet people whose lives have been dragged into mud; people whose hearts are completely broken and people who have done unthinkable things; but my message is one: Giving up is not an option! You never give up on your dreams. The fight in your life is not about you – it’s about your dreams; it’s about the seed in you! The intent of the dragon is to devour the baby (the seed) as soon as it is delivered (Revelation 12 v 4); but remember ‘your life is hidden with Christ in God’ (Colossians 3 v 3). He will defend you. You must know that the bigger the dream the bigger the fight. Don’t give up on your dreams. Don’t give in to the fight. Every-time God is up to something big in my life there is a lot of fighting that comes my way – and I know it’s not about me but its about the seed in me; so I fight on and I don’t quit because I am not about to lose on my inheritance. When life squeezes you it’s time to roll up your sleeves and defend your dreams. Quitting is not an option.


Calvary love 

Peter Mbada



*      Thanks for partnering with me in inspiring the world by purchasing a copy of  ‘Destined to Succeed; Unstoppable and Unlimitable’; and by sharing this message!


Debswana Diamond Company Email Disclaimer: The information contained in this e-mail is confidential and may be subject to legal privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not use, copy, distribute or disclose the e-mail or any part of its contents or take any action in reliance on it. If you have received this e-mail in error, please e-mail the sender by replying to this message. All reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure no viruses are present in this e-mail and the sender cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage arising from the use of this e-mail or attachments.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Behold, when your season has come!

Behold, when your season has come!


Even in weakness, victory is assured!

Most of this past week I was battling from within! For some reason I was feeling very low. It was one of those times when one would wake up in the morning and just feel that there is something wrong but cannot just put my finger on what it is; it was one of those times when one just feels discouraged and is reminded of all the things which are not going well. I would drag myself out of bed heavily and miserably. But thank God ‘for I am not ignorant of the devices of the enemy’ (2 Corinthians 2 v 11). The enemy’s intent is to muzzle my mouth, paralyze me and defeat me starting with the mind. When David found himself in a similar situation he encouraged himself in the Lord - ‘and David was greatly distressed; but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God’ (1 Samuel 30 v 6).


More than positive thinking

I know who I am and the enemy cannot dictate my mood for the day – I dictate how I want the day to be like; so every morning I decided to wake up with a song - confessing the scriptures boldly with my mouth (not in my heart but with my mouth). Victory does not come by just thinking of the word of God but by speaking out the word of God; by confessing the word of God to the situation. Victory does not come just by positive thinking or positive speaking but by speaking the word of God; ‘for the word of God is alive and powerful’ (Hebrews 4 v 12a). Positive thinking and positive speaking will keep you motivated but confessing the scriptures will transform your situation. Next time you are feeling low or are facing an insurmountable situation confess the scriptures to your situation.


God honors faithfulness

Some years back, after spending 2 years at the helm of an 800-member strong Christian Union group in university and having given my all to the group, it was time to bow out of leadership. I had personally assisted hundreds of students and had given out a lot from myself. My grades were not looking good! I was feeling spent, unappreciated and alone. One wonderful brother (Daniel) came to me and spoke to me words that lifted me up. He said to me quietly, ‘my brother, just like Mordecai who was feeling forgotten after he had assisted the king, was remembered at the opportune time, God will remember you at the opportune time and say ‘what did I do for the man who served me faithfully’’.  I don’t regret an inch the time I spent and served that group. God confirmed those words many times over by remembering me at the opportune time. He remembered me despite my bad grades; he remembered me despite all the disadvantages that were around my life. He brought progress; he brought acceleration; he ‘restored to me the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm’ (Joel 2 v 25). ‘God is faithful!’ (1 Corinthians 1 v 9a).


Your season is coming!

You may feel unappreciated, unrecognized or unrewarded, but ‘God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love’ (Hebrews 6 v 10). God honors faithfulness. Keep doing good even if no one is noticing. Faithfulness is unconditional. You don’t remain faithful to a cause only as long as you are benefitting profitably! You don’t remain faithful to your company only as long as you feel well-remunerated and appreciated; you don’t remain faithful to your spouse only as long as you feel understood and respected. You don’t remain faithful only as long as your deeds are reciprocated! No! Faithfulness is a choice and will always be rewarded. Whatever the pain and frustration, remain faithful! Your season of remembrance is coming. Your remembrance is from the Lord. No one will stop your progress when God rises up to honour your faithfulness. Nothing will hinder your acceleration when your season has come; no, not even your boss, not your qualifications nor your age! Age did not stop Sarah from receiving the child; origin did not stop Joseph from receiving the promotion in Egypt and qualifications did not stop disciples like Peter from receiving the gospel mandate to influence transform the world, so nothing will stand in your way when your season has come! Remain faithful; behold your season is coming!


Refuse to be discouraged; your work will be remembered.


Calvary love 

Peter Mbada



*       Thanks for partnering with me in inspiring the world by purchasing a copy of  ‘Destined to Succeed; Unstoppable and Unlimitable’; and by sharing this message!


Debswana Diamond Company Email Disclaimer: The information contained in this e-mail is confidential and may be subject to legal privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not use, copy, distribute or disclose the e-mail or any part of its contents or take any action in reliance on it. If you have received this e-mail in error, please e-mail the sender by replying to this message. All reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure no viruses are present in this e-mail and the sender cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage arising from the use of this e-mail or attachments.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Begin with the end in mind

Begin with the end in Mind


Beyond the turbulence

This past week I had one of those bad flights through the storm again! I hadn’t had such a bad and bumpy flight in a long time. It was so bad that the all the passengers clapped hands and made a thunderous noise after a safe touch down. Minutes before we started the descent to the airport the flight captain spoke to us that we were beginning the descent, that we should expect some more turbulence and he concluded by wishing us a good weekend – since it was on a Friday evening. He didn’t wish us a safe landing but a safe weekend - and that made my day! He was seeing far beyond the present turbulences and assuring us that we should not focus on the present fears but on the joys of a restful weekend with our families. We all have a tendency to be so overwhelmed by present circumstances and feel that we are perishing. We let the fears of our present circumstances obstruct us from seeing beyond our current struggles. There is a life beyond the turbulence. Paul wrote, ‘For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us’ (Romans 8 v 18). Beyond the current turbulences there is a place for safe-landing!


Begin with the end in mind

I have seen and spoken to many people who are not sure about what they want in life. They just exist and they have no game plan for achieving what they want to achieve because they don’t know what they want. Old wisdom says if you don’t know where you are going any road will lead you there. You must have a mental picture of where you want to get to. Begin with the end in mind. In Genesis 1 God created man in the spirit. He created a male and a female; (‘so God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them’ (Genesis 1 v 27)). He built in Himself a mental picture of what he wanted a person to be like and He even blessed them and gave them a mandate. He created the complete end-product in Himself before He built it physically.  In Genesis 2 He went ahead and made the physical creation of what He had completed in the spirit; (and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul (Genesis 2 v 7)). Be clear about your vision! Knowing where you want to end up will help your choices today. Do you really have to take up that offer; do you really have to embark on that course; do you really have to make that step; do you really have to say yes? You can only confidently answer if you are clear of what you want your end to be. Begin with the end in mind and then map up a game-plan to get you to the desired end.


The Word is the key

As a young and inexperienced university student I was selected to lead a very large, influential and dynamic Christian students group. A close friend of mine who was more mature and experienced than me, but who was also to be my deputy, spoke to me the words that changed my whole paradigm forever. He said to me, ‘Be confident! People are willing to follow a leader who is confident about where he is going’.   To achieve your end you need to proceed towards your mark in confidence. Confidence comes with knowledge and understanding; knowledge and understanding of what God says about you and about your situation – that is faith - and ‘faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God’ (Romans 10 v 17). The entrance of His words gives light; it gives understanding unto the simple’ (Psalm 119 v 130).You will not make it without the word of God in you. Soak yourself in the word of God so much that when any life situation squeezes you only the Word will ooze out of you!  ‘Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom (Colossians 3 v 16). True and sustainable success is guaranteed only through meditating and acting on the word of God, ‘This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth; but you shall meditate therein day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall have good success’ (Joshua 1 v 8). May your game-plan to achieve your desired end be supported and sustained by the word of God; because the word of God is the key to unlock possibilities in your life.


Know where you want to be; build the mental picture of your destiny; begin with the end in mind; make a game plan for your success; shape the game you play; don’t just play the game you find; and fill your life with the WORD OF GOD, for it is the key to your fruitfulness – and see you at the podium celebrating our victories!


Calvary love 

Peter Mbada



*       Thanks for partnering with me in inspiring the world by purchasing a copy of  ‘Destined to Succeed; Unstoppable and Unlimitable’; and by sharing this message!


Debswana Diamond Company Email Disclaimer: The information contained in this e-mail is confidential and may be subject to legal privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not use, copy, distribute or disclose the e-mail or any part of its contents or take any action in reliance on it. If you have received this e-mail in error, please e-mail the sender by replying to this message. All reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure no viruses are present in this e-mail and the sender cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage arising from the use of this e-mail or attachments.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Keep the balance

Keep the balance


Refreshment time

The past five weeks have been very hectic for me with lots of travel. As a result I didn’t manage to post any new articles in the past two weeks. The past week was the first time I spent the full week at home in a long time and I made use of the time to refresh and make up with the family that was now getting used to seeing me away from home. I also had opportunities to speak almost every week. I spoke to various audiences ranging from high school students preparing for examinations to university students on weekend outing out there in Zim and from primary school teachers needing inspiration; to old ladies trying a cooperative project and at church congregations. Its been action packed. Some of the articles I wrote in the past weeks, I wrote them while on the go. I do not normally stress up but the hectic schedule was beginning to take a toll on me. I was beginning to feel the physical fatigue and emotional exhaustion catching up with me. I understood clearly the feeling of fatigue that Elijah had as he sat under the Juniper tree (1 Kings 19 v 4 – 5) after his great conquest; or the feeling of thirst that Samson had after killing a thousand Philistines when ‘he called on the Lord, and said, Thou hast given this great deliverance into the hand of thy servant: and now shall I die for thirst, and fall into the hand of the uncircumcised?’ (Judges 15 v 18). I realized I needed some refreshment. I created lots of time to rest and to play around with the kids; I found time to listen to uplifting messages and I set aside time to read; and to be in the presence of the Lord.


Prevent the burn-out

Sometimes in life we get so pre-occupied with fulfilling our appointments and obligations at the expense of things that matter. We find ourselves spending so much of ourselves and forget that if you give or spend more than you are receiving you will eventually find yourself in the red! Don’t keep an overdrawn emotional bank account; don’t push your body too hard and forget to give back to it; and don’t keep a starved spirit! Prevent a burnout; plough back into where you have withdrawn! Whatever you are doing don’t be too busy cutting with the axe so much that you don’t spare a moment to stop and sharpen the axe; and don’t be too busy driving so much that you don’t have time to stop and re-fuel. Your body, soul and spirit require refreshment. ‘The times of refreshing come from the presence of the Lord’ (Acts 3 v 19). You might have tight work schedules, appointments or obligation or you might be pushing a second and a third job; whatever occupies you will wear you out unless you stop and refresh. You will never have time unless you create time! It has to be a conscious and deliberate decision to create space to stop and refuel yourself.


Maintain the balance

This is a fast generation and sometimes tight and hectic schedules are inevitable. We constantly find ourselves with conflicting demands in our lives. You want to fulfill business or career demands and at the same time you want to have quality time with our family. The easiest way out is to satisfy all the other demands at the expense of your loved ones. After all you expect them to understand. They know how tight your schedule is! You are doing it all for them. At the end of the year you will be done with your project and you will have more time with them; soon the kids will be grown and out of the way and you will make more time for your spouse and by then you will also have managed to build your financial security. The excuses are valid but worthless. Do you how much more time you still have in your kitty? Who told you that you will be there to make up? While you have them enjoy them! Time spent with business associates at the golf club or at an exclusive dinner seems like time better spent than time spent with the kids at the park, or time spent shopping with your spouse!  Never underestimate the value of your loved ones. You can never put any price tag on the relationship! It’s priceless!! Many times we only realize the value of something when we have lost it. Keep the balance and learn the trick of keeping all the balls in the air.


A little ponder

Maintain the balance; take time to refuel; and be sure to spare quality moments for the loved ones. It will be painful when one day they will stand up to say ‘you were never there!’ or when they say ‘they wished they had had enough time to have known you better’ or worse still for you to regret and say ‘I wish I was more available’.  It’s not too late to start now!


Calvary love 

Peter Mbada



*       Thanks for partnering with me in inspiring the world by purchasing a copy of  ‘Destined to Succeed; Unstoppable and Unlimitable’; and by sharing this message!


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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Make your mark

Make your mark


Blessed old couple

During my short stay in the eastern highlands of Zimbabwe last week, we were hosted for one of the nights by a wonderful old couple. I therefore had an opportunity to have some interesting conversations with the old lady in which she told me that she was married on the 27th of December 1952. That makes it about 57 years in holy matrimony! It was very refreshing, educative and humbling to talk to the old people who have been around that long.  She then told me something even more interesting. When she got married, they built and settled on that homestead which they are still living in today. 57 years in the same place. I was touched by the humble surroundings they have lived in for such a long time. They had settled.


Don’t settle

It is amazing how as human beings we have a tendency to create comfort zones, build tents and settle down. The future comes one day at a time. The days not maximized will accumulate to weeks, months and years which are not maximized. If you have been in a place long enough there should signs that you have been there. You are not just a place holder; a statistic or a biological coincidence. You must steer the nest, create movement and progress and explore the inner purpose for which the Creator brought you to that place. Don’t just wait for a long service award like Methuselah who lived ‘969 years and he died’ (Genesis 5 v 27). The difference between long service and experience is in what you achieved; the mark you made. Make your mark!


Make a change

New worlds emerge when patterns are broken. Eaglets discover the power in their wings when the nests are shaken; and they discover how high they can fly when their wings are stretched. Old dogs realize how easy it easy to learn new tricks when they let go of the old tricks. Like air that expands to fill the available space; your potential expands to fill the set boundaries; the boundaries you have set for yourself. Your mind is elastic and so is your ability. What you can achieve is dependant on how much you are willing to stretch yourself; and how prepared you are to move from where you have settled. 

Create movement

It takes more faith to move than to remain in the same place. It takes boldness to move from a comfort zone; and life favors the bold. Israel had a mandate to possess the Promised Land but they found comfort in the mountains and settled at mount Horeb. Horeb was peaceful; and there was no resistance or wars. It made a perfect dwelling place – but it fell way too short to the real promise of God to Israel. God had better things for them, if only they could rise up and take the journey to the mountains. He spoke to them and said ‘you have dwelt long enough at this mountain’ (Deuteronomy 1 v 6). You have settled too long at the stage you are in life. You feel comfortable and more at ease because its familiar terrirory. The miracle and the breakthrough is not in the familiar territory. After performing the miracles Jesus had to go to the other side of the sea to experience more exploits. After experiencing God as Jehovah Jireh – the Lord that provides, by the brook; Elijah had to move on to Zarephath to experience the same God, as the God who multiplies.  You might be in comfort because all your needs are met but don’t settle for the second best when God has a Promise for you. He wants to multiply you. Take the step.


Experience the shift

Your miracle is in taking a step. Abraham had to move away from his country and his kindred for him to experience the promise; Joseph had to move away from his family for him to experience the dream; Daniel had to be moved to a foreign land for him to rule; and Peter had to step out of the boat for him to experience a miracle. Take your step and experience the shift.


Make your mark!


Calvary love 

Peter Mbada



*      Thanks for partnering with me in inspiring the world by purchasing a copy of  ‘Destined to Succeed; Unstoppable and Unlimitable’; and by sharing this message!


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