Sunday, November 15, 2009

Behold, when your season has come!

Behold, when your season has come!


Even in weakness, victory is assured!

Most of this past week I was battling from within! For some reason I was feeling very low. It was one of those times when one would wake up in the morning and just feel that there is something wrong but cannot just put my finger on what it is; it was one of those times when one just feels discouraged and is reminded of all the things which are not going well. I would drag myself out of bed heavily and miserably. But thank God ‘for I am not ignorant of the devices of the enemy’ (2 Corinthians 2 v 11). The enemy’s intent is to muzzle my mouth, paralyze me and defeat me starting with the mind. When David found himself in a similar situation he encouraged himself in the Lord - ‘and David was greatly distressed; but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God’ (1 Samuel 30 v 6).


More than positive thinking

I know who I am and the enemy cannot dictate my mood for the day – I dictate how I want the day to be like; so every morning I decided to wake up with a song - confessing the scriptures boldly with my mouth (not in my heart but with my mouth). Victory does not come by just thinking of the word of God but by speaking out the word of God; by confessing the word of God to the situation. Victory does not come just by positive thinking or positive speaking but by speaking the word of God; ‘for the word of God is alive and powerful’ (Hebrews 4 v 12a). Positive thinking and positive speaking will keep you motivated but confessing the scriptures will transform your situation. Next time you are feeling low or are facing an insurmountable situation confess the scriptures to your situation.


God honors faithfulness

Some years back, after spending 2 years at the helm of an 800-member strong Christian Union group in university and having given my all to the group, it was time to bow out of leadership. I had personally assisted hundreds of students and had given out a lot from myself. My grades were not looking good! I was feeling spent, unappreciated and alone. One wonderful brother (Daniel) came to me and spoke to me words that lifted me up. He said to me quietly, ‘my brother, just like Mordecai who was feeling forgotten after he had assisted the king, was remembered at the opportune time, God will remember you at the opportune time and say ‘what did I do for the man who served me faithfully’’.  I don’t regret an inch the time I spent and served that group. God confirmed those words many times over by remembering me at the opportune time. He remembered me despite my bad grades; he remembered me despite all the disadvantages that were around my life. He brought progress; he brought acceleration; he ‘restored to me the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm’ (Joel 2 v 25). ‘God is faithful!’ (1 Corinthians 1 v 9a).


Your season is coming!

You may feel unappreciated, unrecognized or unrewarded, but ‘God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love’ (Hebrews 6 v 10). God honors faithfulness. Keep doing good even if no one is noticing. Faithfulness is unconditional. You don’t remain faithful to a cause only as long as you are benefitting profitably! You don’t remain faithful to your company only as long as you feel well-remunerated and appreciated; you don’t remain faithful to your spouse only as long as you feel understood and respected. You don’t remain faithful only as long as your deeds are reciprocated! No! Faithfulness is a choice and will always be rewarded. Whatever the pain and frustration, remain faithful! Your season of remembrance is coming. Your remembrance is from the Lord. No one will stop your progress when God rises up to honour your faithfulness. Nothing will hinder your acceleration when your season has come; no, not even your boss, not your qualifications nor your age! Age did not stop Sarah from receiving the child; origin did not stop Joseph from receiving the promotion in Egypt and qualifications did not stop disciples like Peter from receiving the gospel mandate to influence transform the world, so nothing will stand in your way when your season has come! Remain faithful; behold your season is coming!


Refuse to be discouraged; your work will be remembered.


Calvary love 

Peter Mbada



*       Thanks for partnering with me in inspiring the world by purchasing a copy of  ‘Destined to Succeed; Unstoppable and Unlimitable’; and by sharing this message!


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