Thursday, November 26, 2009

Enjoy life in its simplicity

Enjoy life in its simplicity


A weekend with the security forces

During the weekend I had a great opportunity to speak to a gathering of various law enforcement agents and community leaders. It was a wonderful experience to speak in such an occasion and a great opportunity too to shape the nations. We have a mandate to influence the world one person at a time; and we must make use of every opportunity to plant the right seeds. I had a great time speaking, from the word of God, to these men and women who do a great job but whose efforts are seldom recognised or appreciated. I declared to them that faithfulness and commitment will always be rewarded.


Enjoy life in its simplicity

I think that over the years I have become wiser and stronger! The experiences of life whether good or bad shaped me and moulded the spectacles through which I see life. The bible says of Jesus Christ that ‘though he was a Son, yet he learned obedience by the things which he suffered (experienced)’ (Hebrews 5 v 8). I have experienced the joys of plenty and the pains of lack; the excitement of victory and the disappointment of failure; the hustles and bustles of Times Square and Broadway Street in New York City and the squeaking of crickets in remote Mozambique; I have experienced the luxury of the lush hotels by the seas-side dining on Sushi; and the pains of the floor in a hut smelling of cow-dung; I have experienced the serenity of a hot-air-balloon glide up in the skies and I have experienced the stuffy-hot-air down in the mines. In all these things I have leant that it’s the simple things in life that are most amazing! Real joy comes when we learn to appreciate the simple things God has graced us with. ‘Life doesn’t consist of the abundance of the things which one possesses’ (Luke 12 v 15). Life is when we learn to savour every moment that God gives us. Enjoy life in its simplicity – and learn to praise God for the simple things in life - the simple things that money cannot buy.


Quit comparing yourself with anyone else

I have come to realise that the most occasions that I have been most unhappy in life is when I had compared myself against somebody else. Most of us are very happy about our situations until we compare ourselves with somebody else; we are happy with our performance until we compare our abilities against somebody else; we are to a certain extent content with our salaries until we discover one of our peers who seems to be making more money than us; and we are excited about our cars until we meet a friend driving a later model. Even David was ‘envious at the foolish, when he saw the prosperity of the wicked (Psalm 73 v 3).   I am reminded of Al Hafed, the old wealthy farmer in the book ‘Acres of Diamonds’. He was wealthy because he was content and he was content because he was wealthy. He was a happy man until he was told about the value of diamond and how wealthy the people that possess it are. Because he didn’t own diamond he felt poor and became unhappy. We focus more on what we don’t have than on the value of what we already have; and as a result most people spend their lives chasing after things only to realise at the end of it all, after they are tired, spent and worn out, that what they were looking for is what they have always had. I want to you know that even in that thing which you think you are very good at there is always somebody somewhere better than you; even your most valued possession there is somebody somewhere who has something better. Appreciate what you have and don’t compare yourself. Quit concentrating on being the best and start concentrating on what you are best at; be the best at what you do and compete against your own potential.


Quitting is not an option

I am constantly speaking to people and every so often I meet people who have been dealt serious blows by life; people who are ready to throw in the towel and give up on their dear life. I meet people whose lives have been dragged into mud; people whose hearts are completely broken and people who have done unthinkable things; but my message is one: Giving up is not an option! You never give up on your dreams. The fight in your life is not about you – it’s about your dreams; it’s about the seed in you! The intent of the dragon is to devour the baby (the seed) as soon as it is delivered (Revelation 12 v 4); but remember ‘your life is hidden with Christ in God’ (Colossians 3 v 3). He will defend you. You must know that the bigger the dream the bigger the fight. Don’t give up on your dreams. Don’t give in to the fight. Every-time God is up to something big in my life there is a lot of fighting that comes my way – and I know it’s not about me but its about the seed in me; so I fight on and I don’t quit because I am not about to lose on my inheritance. When life squeezes you it’s time to roll up your sleeves and defend your dreams. Quitting is not an option.


Calvary love 

Peter Mbada



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