Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Extra Degree

The Extra Degree

There is only one foundation – Jesus Christ

This weekend I had the privilege to be invited to be the guest speaker at the inaugural function of the Christian Business Fellowship. It was quite amazing to see such a demographically diversified group of believers who are ready to go all out and make an economic impact using the right biblical principles. In this microwave generation people are looking for quick fix solutions and are prepared to pay with their principles and integrity to get their way to the top; but this was a different group. It was a group that’s seeking to represent Christ in business; and I emphasized that ‘For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ’ (1 Corinthians 3 v 11). There is no deal that is so valuable that it justifies to be signed at the expense of your character or your relationship with Christ. I shared with them some few basic business tips:


Don’t agonize; solutionise

If you are looking for a business idea don’t go around parading as a copycat or an intellectual thief looking to pounce on what others have already started. Don’t look for your business idea in what other people are doing; but in what they are not doing. Your business idea lies in finding a lasting solution to the existing problems. Don’t just go around interpreting dreams but provide solutions. What made Joseph indispensable to Pharaoh is that, unlike the magicians, Joseph did not just interpret the dreams of Pharaoh but also provided the solution on how to deal with the challenge. ‘And Pharaoh said, Can we find such a one as this is, a man in whom the Spirit of God is?’ (Genesis 41v 38).


Be Creabolistic

Your solutions must be creabolistic; i.e. creative, bold and realistic! Don’t provide obvious, unoriginal and predictable solutions – be creative, unique and original. You must be bold in your vision. If your vision is not so big as to scare you; then it’s not good enough. If you have decided to eat a dog don’t go for a puppy but eat the bulldog!’ Be bold and go for the giants. Caleb asked for the mountains infested with the Anakims for an inheritance (Joshua 14 v 12). If Caleb had asked for the valleys or the already conquered land, his would not have been a story worth quoting. May your life be a story worth quoting because you went for the giants!


101 commitment

You cannot get what you've never had unless you're willing to do what you've never done. At 99 degrees Celsius water is hot; at 100 degrees Celsius it boils; and with boiling water comes steam; and the steam can power a locomotive. It is the one extra degree that makes all the difference. It is the one extra degree that separates the good from the great. That one little extra dose of commitment can spell the difference between status quo and your success. Examine yourself; you may just be in need of that extra degree to bring your life to your steam point.


Be healed of excusitis

"If the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning is eat a live frog, then nothing worse can happen for the rest of the day!" Brian Tracy says that your "frog" should be the most difficult item on your things to do list, the one you're most likely to procrastinate on. Most people suffer from the mind-deadening thought disease called excusitis. This is the disease of excuses; the disease of thinking in terms of impossibilities and why some things cannot be done. Excusitis explains the difference between people who are going places and those who are just holding on. Cure yourself of excusitis, the failure disease. Don’t be quick to give excuses why something cannot be done. There are a thousand excuses why anything cannot be done. You can blame it on your parents; you can blame it on your lack of finances or education; you can blame it on your gender; your skin colour or your age. There is only one reason why it can be done- because you are unique. Don’t let anyone look down upon you. No one can ever make you feel inferior without your consent. Even if everyone else has failed; you are not everyone. You have the capacity to make a difference.


You are destined to succeed.


Calvary love 

Peter Mbada


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