Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Stickability is your way to victory

Stickability is your way to victory


If they have no authority to say yes; then they don’t have authority to say no either.

Last week I attended a very powerful and life transforming conference with my family. On the day when we were supposed to depart for the conference we were told by the embassy that they could not put a visa on my son’s (Shabach’s) travel documents because they were about to expire. The pleading and begging did not assist. The following day was a public holiday, and so we only had less than 5 hours to process new travel documents for Shabach with the Zimbabwean embassy (an impossible task in itself) and still try and get a visa processed before end of working day. We were determined to go therefore we set ourselves to do the impossible. We went to the Zimbabwean embassy to start the process and were told that we did not have adequate papers. We ran around and finally managed to submit the application forms by 3pm amidst the multitudes who were also trying to process their papers. By any standards it was almost unthinkable to think that the trip was still going to materialise; but I asked my wife to firm up the flight bookings for the following morning. God is faithful. Against all odds and miraculously we were served at the Zimbabwean embassy and got the new travel documents in 45 minutes; and had only 15 minutes to go and process the visa.


When we got to the other embassy for the visas, guess what? They had closed! I said to my wife, even though we don’t have a visa for Shabach we will proceed with our trip and trust God for a miracle at the airport. We flew out the following morning. On arrival at the airport the immigration officers would not let us through because Shabach didn’t have a visa but we insisted that we were going for a conference. I believe that if don’t have authority to say yes; then you don’t authority to say no either; and so the immigration officers referred me office to office until I got to the highest office at the airport. The highest office processed Shabach’s in a few minutes. The conference experience explained why there was resistance; but perseverance breaks resistance. We met a lot of the powerful men and women of God that we have always just seen on television and we thank God for the experience. If you are experiencing resistance in any area of your life don’t quit; you never know how far you are from the goal!


You are not a quitter

Quitting is the easiest way out of any challenge; it is the easiest way out of a prickly marriage; it is the easiest way out of a challenging degree programme; or of getting away from a difficult boss. It requires less energy and less effort to walk out than to remain in the game. In a generation where there are so many options it is becoming more and more difficult to raise men and women with a staying power; people who are willing to hang in there despite the pains, the resistance and the sweat. If you don’t get your way you can get another job, or you can get a divorce in 24 hours and get another husband or wife; or you can change the programme at the click of a remote control button and move on. I am here to let you know that there are certain breakthroughs and victories that belong to those that have the staying power; those that are prepared to endure the heat and hang in there; those that are willing to wait to the end. This is not about tolerating abuse and giving in to injustice but this is about raising a generation that that has a backbone to stand. You are not a quitter!


The spirit of a finisher

But you are not of those that look back; you do not have a banana backbone that crumbles in the face of pressure. Staying power is the mark of a champion; the ability to remain in the fight despite the stinging blows. It’s not over until it’s over; don’t die until you are dead. Quitters have no crowns and don’t have a place among the champions. Learn to hold on. Stickability will produce your victory. TD Jakes said ‘grasshoppers don’t eat grapes’. Christ our hero and our role model is a finisher. He fought the full bout and proclaimed ‘It is finished!’ (John 19 v 30). God is a finisher; He completes what He begins! I am ‘confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:’ (Philippians 1 v 6). Paul was a finisher! He ran the race to the finishing line and completed the fight. ‘I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:’ (2 Timothy 4 v 7). You must be a finisher; you must complete what you begin. Don’t keep too many lose ends in your life; or too much unfinished business. It’s not about finishing first or in record time; but it’s about getting to the finishing line. You might stumble along the way and find yourself lying on the floor in the ring; but rise up and fight on. The devil is not about to enjoy a TKO (technical knock out). You are a finisher and a victor!


See you at the finishing line!


Calvary love 

Peter Mbada


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