Monday, July 27, 2009

Enemies! Sometimes they are a necessary evil

Enemies! Sometimes they are a necessary evil


Play your part right

I have always considered myself a nice friendly guy who has no enemies; until recently when I got a rude awakening. Some people, whom I have never bothered to look for, made a secret attempt to knock me out; they were after my career; my life and all that I have worked so hard for. They had done their home-work and wanted to deal me a fatal blow on my pressure point; but I thank God who ‘is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in whom I trust’.  He promises to ‘deliver me from the snare of the fowler and the noisome pestilences; and to cover me with His feathers’ (Psalm 91 v 2 - 4). When they pounced they found me covered; and thank God all my professional and business dealings where found to be ethical, above board and had all the lose ends well tied-up. Are you well-covered? Always play your part and leave the rest to God. ‘He that dwells in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91 v 1).


When they speak behind your back; it’s because you are ahead of them!

You don’t need to be a bad person for you to accumulate enemies. Don’t sit back and be complacent thinking that you are safe simply because you have never hurt or wronged anybody. Some people will hate you for your successes and for the good you are doing. They hated Jesus for healing the sick and the crippled; for restoring sight to the blind and for delivering the demoniacs. They will hate you for excelling in life; for using your gifting and for functioning in your area of calling. They will hate you for exploiting your potential and for following your purpose for life. But remember when they speak or rise up behind your back; it’s because you are ahead of them!


They are part of the grand plan.

Your enemies are part of God’s master plan for your life! When He said ‘I know the thoughts that I think toward you, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end’ (Jeremiah 29 v 11), God also had your enemies in mind as part of the plan. Don’t be afraid of them, sometimes they are a necessary evil. They may be the required force necessary to spur you on towards the fulfillment of the Master’s grand plan for your life. They may mean to destroy you; but God uses the same to push you up. Joseph said to his brothers ‘But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive’ (Genesis 50 v 20). Christ did not make a blunder by choosing Judas Iscariot as part of the twelve disciples? Jesus knew that Judas was plotting His downfall. Judas Iscariot was part of the grand plan in the life of Jesus. Even when they rise up against you; they are part of the grand plan. You will only come out of their trap stronger and wiser.


The more the enemies; the bigger the table!

I am an engineer by profession; and am very much schooled in knowing the right tools for the right job. I know that if you want to bring down a chicken-run a 14-pounds hammer, a wheel-barrow, a shovel and a few other hand tools will suffice. However, when we have to bring down skyscrapers and towers, the 14-pounds hammers and wheel barrows have to give way to dynamites and bulldozers. The bigger the building the more massive the tools of destruction! The way the enemy perceives you will determine the tools he will use to bring you down. But don’t be scared of greatness and towering visions because ‘when the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him’ (Isaiah 59 v 19). The Lord will ‘prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies:’ (Psalm 23 v 5a). The more the enemies; the bigger the table! The bigger the table; the greater the feast!


I thank God for those that arose up against because they made me wiser and stronger – and woke me up from my complacence. I wish them a very long life so that they may live long enough to see more of my exploits – and to God be all the glory!


Calvary love 

Peter Mbada


*       I am sincerely grateful to all those that supported and encouraged me and the work by purchasing a copy of ‘Destined to Succeed’. It means a lot. May the Lord bless you abundantly.

*       I noticed that the past few articles I sent bounced back. If you missed on articles in the past few weeks, you can catch up on I have uploaded them there.


God bless


Destined to succeed; Unstoppable and Unlimitable’ – price US$11.95

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