Monday, September 7, 2009

Mind your step, we are all watching!

Mind you step; we are all watching!

Charity begins at home

In Botswana September is a month of prayer to encourage Christians to take an active role in the fight against the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Earlier in the week I had 2 invitations from the company to speak at a prayer meeting arranged by the employees and later on to speak to the community at a prayer meeting at the customary court. I thank God for every opportunity to plant a seed. Many people dream of touching, influencing and impacting the world. They are waiting until they find their way into the White House or in Hollywood before they can make their contribution to the world. If you are like that, then be prepared for a very long wait. We influence the world one person at a time starting from where we are. Christ said ‘You will be witnesses to me in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the uttermost parts of the earth’ (Acts 1 v 8b). In other words, He said you must start from where you are.  


Watch your step

Do you know that everyone of us no matter how insignificant we may feel, we all have some people that look up to us and admire us as role-models whether we know it or not. As you walk you may think nobody is noticing – but there is somebody who is watching and who is yearning to learn something from you. Paul said, ‘You are our epistle, written in our hearts, known and read of all men;’ (2 Corinthians 3 v 2). Mind your step, somebody is watching! What do you want them to copy from your life?


Enabling Qualities

Effective role-models must be positive influence and must possess the enabling qualities that will point people in the right direction and to the Cross. Wisdom and character are some of the enabling qualities you need.


1.          Wisdom

There is a difference between wisdom and knowledge. Knowledge is all the information and facts that you know in your head. Many people think that having knowledge and having big qualifications is being wise. Other people think that knowledge is power but knowledge is not power; it is only potential power. Knowledge only becomes power when it is intelligently organised and directed towards solving a specific problem, in which case it becomes Wisdom. Wisdom is the application of knowledge to solve an existing problem. Wisdom has nothing to do with the level of education or qualifications. You can possess a PhD, master’s degrees and still lack in wisdom; or you can possess no formal school certificate but be rich in wisdom. Wisdom is about intelligently organising the knowledge you have and effectively applying it to situations.


The man who was heading a campaign to educate people to stop smoking was found burnt to death after falling asleep while smoking in bed! All the knowledge he had against smoking did not help change his own habits. How many people have so much head knowledge but are still destroyed with the same things they are schooled in. ‘Wisdom is a defence and gives life to those that have it’’ (Ecclesiastes 7 v 12). We need leaders who possess wisdom and not just qualifications. The first step in gaining wisdom is to fear God. There is no wisdom outside of God. The bible clearly says, ‘the fear of God is the beginning of all wisdom:’ (Proverbs 9 v 10).


2. Character and Integrity

You need character and integrity for positive influence. We live in a generation were there are so many people out there who are ‘talking the talk’ but very few who ‘walk the walk’; but you must walk the talk. The bible says a good name is better than precious ointment (Ecclesiastes 7 v 1).  A good name gives you a good reputation but a good character will establish you. A good reputation is a testimony of past achievements but a good character is assurance for future achievements. You must have character. Your character is the sum total of the choices and decisions you make when nobody is watching. Your character defines who you are.


Your personality and skills will earn you a promotion but it’s your character that will sustain you up there. The world watched with cheers as Mike Tyson rose to be the boxing champion of the world; and the world watched with laughter as he tumbled all the way down. What made the difference: discipline and character – or the lack thereof? We are tired of leaders with a porous character; leaders who say one thing but act the other way; leaders with great CVs but no self discipline or character. Naaman (2 Kings 5 v 1) was a great man who had won great victories; but he was a leper. Lepers were counted among the dead. So, even though Naaman had had great exploits; had fought and won great external battles; but he had lost the internal struggles – he was a leper. True victory begins with personal victory.


So, watch your step; we are all watching!


Calvary love 

Peter Mbada



*       Thanks for purchasing ‘Destined to Succeed; Unstoppable and Unlimitable’ and for the great testimonies! You have to read it to believe the testimonies!



Destined to succeed; Unstoppable and Unlimitable

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