Sunday, February 7, 2010

Up your Game

Up your game


Don’t be a copy-cat!

There is something about Africa that makes the gospel come alive! This weekend I drove out on a Land Cruiser into the bush, with the boys, to pick up some firewood for a church function. Being out there in the bush gives the feeling of being deep in Africa. With prior arrangement some family who live out there had already prepared the fire-wood and ours was just to pick it and load into the vehicle. Some young girls, who live out there and are the age of my daughter, were also helping out with the preparation of the firewood. This was in contrast to my daughter whom I had left at home playing internet games on a laptop. Just 100km away were her age-mates, without the luxuries of technology, being trained to make use of their hands in a different world out there in the woods! One man was preparing a field which he has just acquired. It is a very large piece of land in the thick of the bush. To an untrained eye it’s just a bush full of trees and dangers of fiery serpents; but a trained eye can see wealth and great harvest in a few years time. The sight of the thick bush and forest being prepared for a field clarified for me Caleb’s experience when he asked and said, ‘Now therefore give me this mountain,’ (Joshua 14 v 12). Joshua did not ask for a piece of well-developed real estate but for an undeveloped mountain full of giants. He was not a copy-cat! He was not just seeking to share a piece of the existing cake but was determined to grow the size of the cake! He was going to grow his vision from virgin land. In 2010 be a pioneer! Begin where nobody has begun and develop the courage to venture into uncharted waters and unexplored territories!  


Jump out of the inertia trap!

As we get deeper into the year, make sure by now you are out of the inertia trap and already making things happen. Develop the discipline of translating your plans into effective execution. Failure to translate your goals and plans into action is a sure path to mediocrity and failure. If you are to be a success story ‘inaction’ must be a no-go for you.


Practice positive quitting

Be clear about what projects, goals, visions and relationships you will pursue. You must develop the guts to quit those dead-end visions, goals and relationships which you have been pursuing for years and have been unfruitful. Confront issues and conclude them; don’t let non-value adding issues follow you all year long and waste your precious time. Know which visions to pursue and which battles to fight! Wisdom will save your day:  ‘If the iron be blunt, and you do not sharpen the edge, then you will put more strength: but wisdom is profitable to direct’ (Ecclesiastes 10 v 10). Sharpen your blunt axes. This is a year of ‘no-blunt axes’. Practice positive quitting!


2010: the year of 5

Charles Darwin said ‘It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the most responsive to change’. In order for you to be successful and survive in this year you must up your game. A small consistent incremental change in your life is all you need to up your game in 2010. Wake up 5 minutes earlier; increase your bible study time by 5 minutes; your prayer time by a 5 minutes; your exercising time by 5 minutes; your savings by 5 %; and you will see the multiplication of results. Increase your input in every dimension of your life; your work; your business; your family and you will experience growth. God is a multiplier! Increase input by a small margin and watch Him produce a 100-fold increase in your life. Commit to a consistent incremental change in your life this year and call 2010: the year of 5 - the year in which you will increase all the parameters in your life by 5 (5 minutes, 5 hours or 5 %) and let God multiply your victory.


Let’s join hands and up our game! I have already begun benchmarking myself with the best and I believe ‘I am destined to succeed!’


Calvary love 

Peter Mbada



v      If you are in the Orapa area or within reach of Orapa then you can’t afford to miss this life transforming experience! If succeeding in every dimension of your life is one of your goals this year then you are the right candidate; Date: 27 February 2010; Venue: Itekeng Hall, 1600hrs – 200hrs; Topic: Mastering the Art of Wealth Creation: Developing your financial IQ. Fee: BWP150. Attendance is by bookings only, there is limited seating. For more info write me on


*       Thanks for partnering with me in inspiring the world by purchasing a copy of ‘Destined to Succeed; Unstoppable and Unlimitable’!





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