Monday, May 31, 2010

In the second round...!

In the second round…….!

You are the perfect vessel!

The twelve disciples went through a short but intensive mentorship programme with the Master. They experienced a personal touch of the Master Himself. He taught them to forgive, to serve, to trust and to be humble. He taught them how to love their enemies and how to believe God for the impossible; they saw practicable faith in practice. He delegated them the authority to cast out demons, to heal the sick and raise the dead. He equipped them for the ministry and for the time He was not going to be present. After what seemed to be a great and successful development programme disaster struck on the graduation evening! At the very moment they were supposed demonstrate their first show of faith and courage; that fateful evening when the High Priests came to arrest Jesus – the whole class of disciples fled. They did not run away and hide behind the bushes (except for Peter). So dismal and embarrassing was the failure of the programme to the extent that the great majority of these men went back to their professions; they went back to their nets! They forgot that they were carrying the mandate to save the world; they forgot that they had sat at the feet of the greatest teacher; and they forgot that they had forsaken their own lives for such a time as this. They were failures and a disappointment! But the Master did not give up on them. When He chose them originally, He knew their frames and weaknesses as the Creator would! He did not choose perfect men to carry out His mandate! He chose men that were susceptible to failure! It doesn’t matter what your past failures were or what your weaknesses are; you are the perfect vessel to carry the greatness mandate!


In second round!

In the second round He came and endued them with the power from on high (Acts 1 v 8); He baptized them with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2). Suddenly they realized who they were and what was in them! In the second round they suddenly realized the power which was at work within them. They realized they were no ordinary men. You can’t be ordinary when you carry an extra-ordinary God in you! In a turn of events their understanding of who they were brought new courage and boldness in them! They stood against opposition. They endured resistance to the point of cruel death! Not even the threat of death could dissuade them from their mission; and today, more than 2000 years later, all around us are signs and testimonies of the great work of the men and women who were deemed failures in the first round. In the second round they emerged stronger! Don’t look at your failures or weaknesses; in the second round you can emerge stronger, if only you can acknowledge and understand the might power that is at work within you. You can rise again! Though they might have capitalized on your weaknesses in the first round and pulled you down; in the second round you can rise up to your victory. All the resources you need for your victory are in you! Tell your enemies you are coming back again…………this time much stronger…..the second round is yours!!


(***Please see important note below)


Calvary love 

Peter Mbada

PS. This is my very last article using this email address. I will no longer be available on this address from end of day today. To continue receiving the articles send me a blank email on




With effect from the 1st of June 2010 I will no longer be available on this email address. For any correspondence with me use:

I will transfer all the email addresses into my web-address unless if you want to unsubscribe. I will continue to circulate the weekly articles. Bear with me as there may be a slow down in the 1st week as I go through the changes. God bless you and I trust you are being blessed by the inspirationals – Together we will touch the world one person at a time!


*      I have been a bit slow in responding to some of your mail due to my hectic schedule in the past few weeks but I will make sure I respond to all of them.

*      The demand for the CDs/DVDs has been quite phenomenal and the testimonies remarkable. Thank you for your support and we thank God for hopes restored


*       Thanks for partnering with me in inspiring the world by purchasing a copy of ‘Destined to Succeed; Unstoppable and Unlimitable’!

*       My CD / DVD series entitled ‘Mastering the Art of Wealth Creation’ are now out. Part 1 and 2 are now o sale. Part 1: Developing your Financial IQ and Part 2: Developing you Investment wisdom

*       In Botswana - Gaborone ‘Destined to Succeed’  is now available through the Botswana Book Centre outlets





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