Sunday, May 16, 2010

Its time for a revival!

Its time for a revival!

The marriage mystery!

At a recent wedding anniversary I attended the speeches I heard from different speakers got me thinking long and hard about the mystery of the marriage institution. Marriage is an institution where two people (of course, of opposite genders) who love each other decide to be joined together in holy matrimony. Their love is so deep (judging from my own experience) that sometimes it’s so painful to spend a day without communicating or seeing the other partner. However, after that great wedding day, all the years to come are spent trying to learn how to talk to each other; learning how to share finances and other resources; how to be patient with each; and so on goes the list. In fact thousands of books have been written on the subject to teach the people that love each other how to love each other. Anniversary after anniversary become a celebration of the miracle that the couple has made it another year while still together. It’s the mystery of marriage. In a perfect world, if people get married because they love each other, they won’t need lessons on how to talk to each other or how to be patient with each other – it will be natural. In a perfect world, time would not cause a married couple to grow apart, but would only strengthen their oneness; as is with our relationship with God, where time is ‘changing us into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord’ (2 Corinthians 3 v 18) and so must be our marital relationships. Wedding anniversaries must cease to be a celebration of the survival of the marriages but be a celebration of the blessing of God that has transformed the couple from glory to glory in their love. May the married couples out there remember their first love; revive it; and remember that marriage was instituted to be enjoyed and not to be endured! May we begin a marriage revival that makes the marriage institution better and sweeter with time as we get transformed from glory to glory, Amen! Revive your former love!


Revive your dreams!

Some years back when I resigned from the mining company I used to work for my 76 year old grand-mom sat me down. She didn’t want me to leave! She wanted me to stay on because someday I may be able to take-over ownership of the mine. I dismissed her reasoning as old age folly. But now, years later, I realize that such stuff is what real dreams are made of. The ability to think the unthinkable! If your dream is not so big as to sound like madness or scary then it’s not good enough. The dreams of Joseph (Genesis 37), the small boy, standing while his parents and brothers did obeisance to him were completely unthinkable and unimaginable; the thought of Sarah getting pregnant at the age of 80 made even herself to laugh; the imagination of the Wright brothers (Wilbur and Orville) to get a man floating in the air on a heavy piece of metal sounded like folly to their peers; such is the stuff that makes up dreams that transform generations. If you were beginning to think that your dreams are folly; think again! Its time to revive those dreams!


Revive the child in you

Sometimes to revive those great dreams you need to revive the child in you. Just take a few moments to think of some of the great qualities you used to possess as a child:


No Limit thinking: as a child my ambition was to be a pilot and a great scientist. I believed with my whole heart that I was going to achieve my ambitions. As I grew older I began to convince myself of why it can’t be done. In your childlike attitude you knew no limits or boundaries of what can be achieved in life; your creativity and imagination was unfettered; your dreams were ambitious and great! Now your adult reasoning has erected invisible fences and boundaries of what can and what cannot be achieved. Your education has taught you to confine your thinking to fit the in square or the box. You believed you will be a great international preacher who will traverse the globe; you believed you were destined to be a great speaker; a great banker; or even may be the President; but now, what? You have resigned to fate! But I want you to know that your mind knows no boundaries except only those that you acknowledge. It’s all in your hands, you can revive the child-like no limit thinking!  


See people as they are: As a child my relationships and friendships were not based on social or economic status; but I could see past the trappings of material success to the core of the people. ‘God is who Himself is not a respecter of persons’ (Acts 10 v 34) says, ‘you shall not respect persons in judgment: you shall hear the small as well as the great’ (Deuteronomy 1 v 17).  Labeling is disabling! Stop labeling people before you can relate with them. Respect people for who they are and not for what they have!


Fun, laughter and enthusiasm: When is the last time you had a hearty laughter? When you were a child you stayed healthy because you played hard and worked hard; and now you take yourself so seriously that you are almost a heart-attack waiting to happen. Relax, take it easy and have fun!   Even God would take time to take ‘a walk in the park (garden) in the cool of the day’ (Genesis 3 v 8); and He took time to ‘rest on the seventh day from all his work which he had made’ (Genesis 2 v 2). You need a break; and have a good laugh too!


God bless you as revive the child in you.


Calvary love 

Peter Mbada

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*       Thanks for partnering with me in inspiring the world by purchasing a copy of ‘Destined to Succeed; Unstoppable and Unlimitable’!

*       My CD / DVD series entitled ‘Mastering the Art of Wealth Creation’ are now out. Part 1 and 2 are now o sale. Part 1: Developing your Financial IQ and Part 2: Developing you Investment wisdom

*       In Botswana - Gaborone ‘Destined to Succeed’  is now available through the Botswana Book Centre outlets





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