Sunday, December 13, 2009

Action, action, action - there is magic in action

Action, action, action – there is magic in action!


Don’t forget to appreciate the special people in your life

It’s that time of the year again when we express our gratitude and appreciate those that bring meaning to our lives and those that have walked with us and helped us realize our dreams, hopes and destinies. This weekend my wife and I took our parents, all our employees and their families for a thanksgiving dinner and a night out as a way of thanking God for having brought all those special people in our lives and for thanking them all for the various roles which they continue to play in shaping us and moulding our visions. I will be taking a break from this week to the beginning of the New Year and will be taking my family on their well-deserved holiday.  


Be the change you want to see!

For me it’s been an exciting year in which I learnt a lot. I did not hold back in seizing the opportunities that came my way and in creating opportunities where there were none. In some instances I won and in some I did not win; but I never lost! Where I did not win I learnt valuable lessons and gained valuable experience. One of the greatest lessons I learnt in this year is that ‘miracles happen in motion’. Each time Jesus healed somebody He asked them to move; when He healed the crippled He asked them to rise and walk; when He healed the lepers He asked to go and show themselves to the priest; when He healed the blind He asked them to go and wash their eyes or do something else. He did not heal the cripple and just say ‘test yourself while seated there’. There is something about action. Don’t just sit there and wait for things to happen. Don’t just complain about things while expecting somebody else to do something. Complaining builds negative energy. Be a champion of change! Be the change you want to see. If people aren’t that prayerful in church; complaining won’t bring prayerfulness. Mobilize and begin to lead prayer. To be the change you want to see you don't have to be loud or eloquent; you don't have to be elected or even have to be particularly smart or well educated. You just have to be committed to action. Take personal responsibility. You don't need everyone's cooperation or anyone's permission to make things happen. Don't wait for things to be right in order to begin. Things will never be just right. Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. You must gather the tenacity of Esther who rose up to take action and said, ‘I go in unto the King, which is not according to the law: and if I perish I perish’ (Esther 4:16). Let the motion begin with you!


2010: The Year of Action

In my native Shona language there is a saying which says ‘basa rinopera nekushandwa’ which literally means ‘a task is accomplished by doing it’. As we step into 2010 you must commit to the discipline of action. Start with the small things. Wake up when you are supposed to wake up – stop hitting the snooze button on your alarm clock a hundred times before you eventually drag yourself out of bed. Imagine how much you would have accomplished this year if only you had the discipline to act on your dreams, plans and objectives. Action, action, action – there is magic in action!  Imagine how much you would have accomplished this year if only you had the discipline to act; you would have completed that book you wanted to write; you would have started that business you were thinking of; you would have built that house on your plans; you would have saved for that vacation. As you wind down the remainder of this year take a 20-pound hammer and do a good work of crushing the inertia in you life; the inertia which drags you down before you can spring into action; if only you can overcome the initial inertia you will be able to celebrate the joys of accomplishment. Make 2010 the year of ACTION and you will be amazed at the potential of what you can achieve.


Let me be the first!

I am excited as I begin to pray for the New Year. I have exciting assignments locally, nationally, regionally and internationally that will cover a good part of the year. The faithfulness of God is always amazing. I would like to take opportunity to wish you and your families the best for the remaining part of the year and also be the first to wish you a great action-packed 2010 in which your dreams will come true. In 2010 may God help you to ‘stop making a living and begin creating a life!’ By His Grace, I will definitely be back, with more action and more zest! I leave you with my most favorite scripture,


But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him.

He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream.
       It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green.
       It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit’

(Jeremiah 17 v 7 – 8).

Calvary love 

Peter Mbada



*      I will be preparing a gift for blessing the brethren who sacrificially work behind the scenes to keep the website alive and ensure all the articles are available for your edification anytime. They do a great job completely voluntarily and I believe God will remember they labour of love. I will also be working on improvements on the website to make it a complete resource centre for your edification. If you want to join me in any way in making these a reality you can contact me.  


*       Thanks for partnering with me in inspiring the world by purchasing a copy of  ‘Destined to Succeed; Unstoppable and Unlimitable’; and by sharing this message!





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