Sunday, January 3, 2010

Put your best foot forward

Put your best foot forward


No other bells will ring to spur you on!

My birthday comes on the 4th day of each year which is a stern reminder for me each year, just after some good holidays, that time and tide waits for no man and that the future comes one day at a time. As I add one more year, this week, to the length of my existence so far on earth I don’t feel any different from the week before. I sure don’t feel older or groggier than last week; but one thing I know is that any time I did not productively utilize or any opportunities I did not exploit are now behind me. But I thank God for an opportunity to start again this year on a fresh page. You must begin this year with your best foot forward and with an action-oriented-attitude. We all make resolutions which we never act on; but this year must be a different one. Write down quantifiable action-oriented goals and objectives and set targets; and begin working towards them. Make use of the early-movers’ advantage and don’t wait for tomorrow or next month to start acting on your 2010 plans. 2010 is here and now; and we are already ploughing into it, one day at a time. No other bells will ring to spur you into action – arise! 


Keep the fire burning!

I read that in the ancient Greek Marathon race, the athletes used to run with a burning torch in their hands. Victory was not just to the first man or woman across the finishing line, but victory was to the first person to cross the line with their torch burning. It did not matter how fast an athlete you were, you would not be counted unless your fire was still burning when you got to the finishing line. ‘The race was not to the swift; nor the battle to the strong’ (Ecclesiastes 9 v 11) but to those who kept the fire burning to the end. For one to protect their fire from extinguishing meant that they sometimes had to endure the pain of being overtaken while they tendered for or fanned the flame. They had to guard the flame affectionately and jealously while focusing on the finishing line. As you put you best foot forward in this year remember to also keep the fire burning to the end. Of what use will it be for you to succeed at the cost of bruised relationships; broken marriages; destroyed health and a backslidden spirit? Don’t chase success and achievements at the expense of the things that are more valuable in life. If anyone overtakes you, tell them you are busy tendering your fire and no matter how long it will take you will make it to the end! In 2010 keep the fire burning right to the end!


A year of Open Heavens!

When Jacob was on the way to Haran to get a wife he slept at a place called Luz. While he slept ‘he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it’ (Genesis 28 v 12). Jacob experienced the open heavens! With the heavens open, Jacob received a personalised service by the angels as they ascended and descended on the ladder that connected the heaven and the earth. Jacob had a direct line to the heavens and God spoke to him and said ‘I am the Lord God of Abraham your father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon you lie, to you will I give it, and to your seed; And your seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and you shall spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south: and in you and in your seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed. And, behold, I am with you, and will keep you in all places whither you shall go, and will bring you again into this land; for I will not leave you, until I have done that which I have spoken to you of (Genesis 28 v 13 – 15). The open heavens brought the presence of God into the life of Jacob! With the open heavens God pledged a blessing upon the life of Jacob; and He committed Himself that He will provide for Jacob; that He will protect Jacob; that He will bless the fruit of Jacob; that He will multiply Jacob; and that He will fulfill His promises in the life of Jacob. As you step into 2010 may this be a year of Open Heavens for you; a year in which God will come through for you in a direct and special way until you shout ‘God this is enough!’ And remember the open heavens come with a special commitment on your part to give back to God when He has blessed you as Jacob vowed a vow to give back unto God (Genesis 28 v 20).


May 2010 be a year of Open Heavens for you!


Calvary love 

Peter Mbada


*       Thanks for partnering with me in inspiring the world by purchasing a copy of  ‘Destined to Succeed; Unstoppable and Unlimitable’!





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