Sunday, April 18, 2010

Don't just walk out!

Don’t just walk out!


Don’t make important decisions out of emotion!

A couple of years back I went through a rough season with one of my bosses for no apparent reason. He treated me unfairly and would make decisions with my subordinates; decisions that would override my decisions even though I was the section head. It was a difficult and painful period! During that exact same period I got another job with a different company and the perks were decent. This was going to be my best chance to get out of the frustrating work environment; but I decided to turn down the job offer! You never make the most important decisions of your life during a period of high emotions and frustrations because you may not be in the right state to make the best judgment; and you should never get into the habit of running away from challenges and problems because you can never conquer what you will not confront! I stuck around to resolve issues with the boss and in due season God came through.


The easiest way is to just walk out – but not always the best way out!

As long as you live you are definitely bound to meet some challenges and difficulties in different aspects of your life. Many times over I speak to men and women who are hurting because of the experiences in their marriages; men and women who are hurting and are feeling enough is enough and are ready to walk out! In my ten years of marriage to my beautiful and lovely wife we have had our fair share of painful and difficult moments; moments of tears and frustration, but as ‘iron sharpens iron; so a spouse sharpens his spouse’s countenance’ (Proverbs 27 v 17). The challenging moments helped chiesel us into a perfect fit; an inseparable entity, like pieces of a jig-saw puzzle, where we are only suitable for each other and nobody else. The easiest way out of any painful relationship or situation is to walk out; but if you teach yourself to walk out – you will always walk out for the rest of your life.  Grasshoppers don’t eat grapes because they will always hop at the slightest blow of wind. I am praying for a generation that will rise up, roll their sleeves up and pick up a fight against the devil to defend their marriages and relationships; a generation that will declare that they will not assist the devil to destroy their own families. I am praying for a generation that has the power of stickability – a generation that will not be shaken by the storms of life; but a generation that will drive through the storm and not park by the wayside. The season of sunshine belongs to those that have endured that hard drive through the storm and resisted the temptation to park on the wayside; but drove through until they reach the sunshine end!


Even if the peak disappears from sight its still there!

One time when I attempted to climb to the peak of Mount Inyangani, I notice that when I was still a distance away from the mountain I could easily see the mountain peak. But the moment I got to the mountain itself and began the climb I could no longer see the peak. The trees, shrubs and the boulders distracted me from seeing the peak. But because I was determined to make it the invisibility of the peak did not distract me from my goal of reaching the top. It’s easy to visualize what you want to achieve in life or to visualize your dreams and visions clearly before you begin to embark on them. The moment you begin the journey the peak becomes invisible. It’s easy to be caught up in the thick of thin things and be distracted from your ultimate goal. If you have begun on the journey of your dreams but the peak seems to have disappeared – just keep going! The fact that you can’t see the peak does not mean that its no longer there! The fact that you can’t see clearly the ultimate goal of what you set to achieve does not mean that those goals have disappeared. Stay focused and keep going! Don’t throw in the towel easily. I have friends that quit their jobs not because it was the right time or the right thing to do but simply because they had been frustrated by their bosses or they could no longer see their future clearly – don’t let the shrubs and trees on the way distract your sight of the peak and discourage you from enduring the climb – just keep going!


Rein your emotions!

If you are going to make any important decisions in your life whatsoever make sure you are not in a period of emotion! Don’t make important decisions when you are too excited or when you are very frustrated. Don’t make pledges when you are too excited! I am reminded of Jephthah who in a time of an emotional high; in a moment of great excitement made a vow unto the Lord and said, ‘If thou shalt without fail deliver the children of Ammon into mine hands, Then it shall be, that whatsoever cometh forth of the doors of my house to meet me, when I return in peace from the children of Ammon, shall surely be the Lord's, and I will offer it up for a burnt offering’ (Judges 11 v 30 – 31).  He paid a great price for the vow; he paid with the life of his daughter because when he ‘came to Mizpeh unto his house, behold his daughter came out to meet him with timbrels and with dances: and she was his only child; beside her he had neither son nor daughter’ (Judges 11 v 34). Important decisions of your life require you to be sober!


May the Lord bless you with the sobriety and stickability that befits a champion!


Calvary love 

Peter Mbada


*       Thanks for partnering with me in inspiring the world by purchasing a copy of ‘Destined to Succeed; Unstoppable and Unlimitable’!

*       My CD / DVD series entitled ‘Mastering the Art of Wealth Creation’ are now out. Part 1 and 2 are now o sale. Part 1: Developing your Financial IQ and Part 2: Developing you Investment wisdom

*       In Botswana - Gaborone ‘Destined to Succeed’  is now available through the Botswana Book Centre outlets





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