Sunday, April 25, 2010

Why disqualify yourself!

Why disqualify yourself!

Nothing to lose!

A few months back I was invited by a small group of employees to speak to them and boost their morale on the project they were working on. It was a group of fairly low level employees. During the course of the talk I asked a simple question. I asked how many of them would apply if the position of the General Manager of the company were to be advertised. The response was fairly predictable. None of them said they would apply! I asked them why they would not apply. They did not have any specific reason apart from the feeling that they were obviously not qualified for the job. I further asked them what they would lose if they were to apply and get rejected. Nothing! You don’t lose anything if you are not considered; but ‘never disqualify yourself on your own!’ I don’t mean you should do something unreasonable but why not make an attempt at something big and scary; that big hairy do! After-all the greatest rewards come from the greatest risks!


Why disqualify yourself prematurely!

Many people lose opportunities in life because they disqualify themselves prematurely. They look at themselves and convince themselves that they are not the material to do great things. When David went to the battlefront to bring food to his brothers he was surprised why all the experienced war veterans were disqualifying themselves before Goliath; and he volunteered to take on the giant. Saul tried to disqualify him on the basis of age and experience and said ‘you are not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him: for thou art but a youth, and he a man of war from his youth’ (1 Samuel 17 v 33); but David refused to be discouraged! He narrated how his basic experience with the lions and bears had prepared him for such an opportune moment as this. The experiences you have been through in life were not in vain! They were meant to prepare you for the opportune moments. When the opportunity presents itself don’t disqualify yourself! David had nothing to lose if he had lost the battle against the Goliath because he was the underdog in the fight; but he had everything to win if he succeeded. Before you quit, pull out of the race or disqualify yourself consider first what you have to lose if you were to fail – in most cases you have nothing to lose if you fail but everything to gain if you were to succeed. A friend of mine disqualified herself from applying for an execute position in her field saying that she needed to consolidate in her current position first; only to blame herself later when her subordinate (her junior by far) got the position. She blamed herself for having disqualified herself prematurely! Another friend of mine tendered for a multi-million project even though he was just a small player in the industry. He told me the great news of that he had won the tender and is now working out how he will deliver the service. He did not disqualify himself prematurely and now he can celebrate all the way to the bank!


Unlock the gem within

When David built his great army, he did not go and recruit the experienced army generals and commanders; but he went out to the dark alleys and the back streets and ‘collected around him every one in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one of embittered spirit; and he became a captain over them; and there were with him about four hundred men’ (1 Samuel 22 v 2). I work in a diamond mine. My job is to mine dirt and stones and process them to extract diamond. Unprocessed stones (ore) look so common and valueless until they come out of the processing plant where they are turned into the most precious commodity in the world. The fact that the unprocessed stones look so common and valueless does not mean that there is no value locked in their cores; their centre. The untrained eye would throw the dirt away; but the expert eyes of the geologists and mining engineers identify the uncommon value and unlock the gem within. David did the same to the worthless men. He had an eye to see the gem that lay at the core of those embittered men and women. He collected them, gave them confidence, raised their self-esteem and made them realize that the greatest of the diamonds in this world are not found in the mines of this earth but in the minds of people of this earth. In turn these man ‘helped David in his expeditions; for they were all mighty men of valour, and were captains in the host’ (1 Chronicles 12 v 21).


There something of uncommon value at your core!

Real mighty men and women are not those born with might; nor those made mighty by others; but those that realize the gems that are hidden at their core and rise up to exploit them and create mightiness out of their own lives; those that exploit their experiences to fearlessly conquer the giants of opportunities  that lie ahead of them. There is uncommon value in you. It doesn’t matter what anybody else may say. At the very core of your life is a gem that needs to be unlocked and you have the key! Don’t let bitterness, debt, lack of education or your position at work hold you back! You may look ordinary or common; but there is something of uncommon value in you that needs to be unlocked. ‘But you have this treasure in earthen vessels that the surpassingness of the power may be of God, and not from you:’ (2 Corinthians 4 v 7)


The choice is yours!

The choice is yours: to growl with the wolves and complain to everybody else about your misery, your situation and why you are the unlucky one; or to fly with the eagles and take your destiny into your own hands in Christ. I know what I want, do you?


Why disqualify yourself?


Calvary love 

Peter Mbada


*       Thanks for partnering with me in inspiring the world by purchasing a copy of ‘Destined to Succeed; Unstoppable and Unlimitable’!

*       My CD / DVD series entitled ‘Mastering the Art of Wealth Creation’ are now out. Part 1 and 2 are now o sale. Part 1: Developing your Financial IQ and Part 2: Developing you Investment wisdom

*       In Botswana - Gaborone ‘Destined to Succeed’  is now available through the Botswana Book Centre outlets





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