Sunday, April 11, 2010

You have no excuse!

You have no excuse

If he’s done it; you have no excuse!

Sometime in the middle of last year I was invited to talk at a breakfast meeting organized by one of the men’s fellowships. In attendance was one young man who loves the Lord very much. This young man is living with a disability. He is paralyzed the greater part of his body and is therefore confined to the wheelchair. When he is not in the wheelchair he is in bed because he has to be assisted in all his movements. As I have gotten to know him more I have learnt one thing peculiar about this young man; he brings the truth in that old adage that says ‘disability is not inability’. From the time he listened to me he became a greater follower of my writings and my messages and each time when we speak he enjoys quoting me. When I spoke on that breakfast meeting he bought a copy of my book and he said to me that he wanted to write a book of his own. I didn’t believe he meant it; but he was determined! He read the book and he quotes from it quite regularly. As I write, right now, I am in the process of proof-reading an over 100 page long script he wrote entitled ‘Ultimate Success’ in preparation for publishing. The script is so long that it has to be split into two books. This is by a young man whose life juggles between a wheelchair and a bed; and does not have control of the greater part of his body and limbs. He sends me weekly inspirational quotes on my mobile phone. When I visit him he won’t let me go without reading the bible and him sharing an encouragement. He can’t lift the bible so I get his bible in my hand and he tells me from memory the passages I should read; and his citations are accurate. Amazing! He does not mourn for what he doesn’t have; but celebrates what he has. He does not seek sympathy for his disability; but exploits his abilities. This is the kind of “I can do it’ attitude that inspires me. You have no excuse for not rising up to your calling; or for not exploiting your potential.   


I need the audible voice

I have learnt that sometimes God has a way of keeping so quiet especially at the very point when you need Him the most to say something. Many times in life we are subjected to situations when we have to make critical decisions; a decision to marry someone; a decision to change locations; a decision whether or not to make a huge investment e.g. buying a property; or a decision to change jobs. People may give you all the advice and counsel but at the end of the day you have to make the ultimate call. It’s in such times that we all yearn for that supernatural audible voice from the skies that just tells us the choice to take. It’s at such times that we all wish we had the benefit of foresight – the ability to see ahead of time and see where the choice we are about to make  will take us to in the next few years. Fortunately or unfortunately at such times God maintains His silence. He maintains His silence not because He is not concerned – but because He wants you to trust Him. If you are about to make an important choice and you don’t know exactly what to do – spend time in prayer, believe God, trust your gut-feel and jump. Trust God and jump! He is faithful. As long as your decision is not out of selfish ambition He will never let you sink; ‘for he will give you into the care of his angels to keep you wherever you go. In their hands they will keep you up, so that your foot may not be crushed against a stone’ (Psalm 91 v 11 -12).


Fail forward!

You may be afraid of making a decision because you are afraid of failing. Even if you procrastinate you will still have to make the ultimate choice or decision at some stage; you may as well do it now! I have made many bad decisions in life and sometimes I lost big time in the process but that has never stopped me from making the next decision. I have always learnt to fail forward. The greatest wisdom you can ever have is to know that in life you can fall seven times but you must rise up eight times. The ultimate failure is when you stop trying after a failure. Each bad decision I have ever made has taught me what not to do again. So if you are in the valley of decision; decide and move on - whichever way! Let not your fear of failure; or your fear of the unknown hold you back from deciding! The greatest breakthroughs in life were made by those that rose beyond their fears; those that transcended their fears and defied their own logic; those that were determined to break the monotony of the status quo and explore the uncharted paths. Forget it if you ever want to be extraordinary but you continue walking the ordinary road!


Every choice involves a loss

Every choice you can ever make in life results in a loss. You can never make a choice and win everything. If you choose to marry so and so over the others; it means you loose everybody else who might have been on the list regardless of how much more handsome or beautiful they might have been.  There is no choice without a loss! The most important thing is to evaluate all your choices and ensure that with each choice you make you benefit more than what you are losing! Failing to make a choice will only trap you in the status quo! Nothing will ever move until you move. Don’t be trapped in indecisiveness; life is too short to spend the greater part of it in the valley of decision! You have no excuse for not making a choice! After-all many times you realize after you have gone through it all that what you feared all along was just a shadow!


May the Lord bless you and give you wisdom and boldness to make the right choices in your life and break the cycle of indecisiveness!


Calvary love 

Peter Mbada


*       Thanks for partnering with me in inspiring the world by purchasing a copy of ‘Destined to Succeed; Unstoppable and Unlimitable’!





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