Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Cost of Success

The Cost of Success

What a day!

On my way from Johannesburg, during the week, the plane developed a mechanical problem about 15 minutes after take-off. The flight captain said that the plane cabin was not pressurizing! I don’t know what that means or the consequences thereof in aeronautical terms but from understanding of fluid dynamics I know what happens when the internal pressure of a vessel is lower than the external pressure. However the captain assured us that it was a minor problem and there was no need to panic. The plane had to fly back to Johannesburg and we got into another plane. My programme was delayed by 3 hours! I have learnt never to worry or get frustrated over any situation that I have no control over. So I sat back, relaxed and enjoyed the ride.


When I eventually got to Gaborone I picked my vehicle which I had left at the airport parking and quickly drove around to cover a few errands before embarking on a 5 hour drive back home. During the course of my errands I developed a slow leak on one of my front wheels. A 550km trip is not a slow drive and you can’t afford a limping wheel. I kept my cool and got the tire attended to at the nearest garage. That was inconvenience number 2; but I learnt in life that patience is a virtue. Sometimes things happen that want to push us to take shorts-cut – and in most instances the short-cuts end up being the wrong-cuts!


Later I made my final stop, to pick up some items, before driving back home. Some four guys helped me pack the stuff in the vehicle trunk. Immediately after they finished packing the stuff they started doing some horse-play. I don’t understand how such elderly men would play fighting like small boys, like that! One of them slipped and fell onto my car and caused a large dent on the rear fender. You know that for a Mercedes Benz there is no small dent to the panelbeaters! I called my wife and said today is not my day. I chose not to get angry with those guys or even to fight them to pay for the repairs. I have learnt in life never to invest in a war in which the returns are less than the investment!


There times or seasons in our lives when things just seem to be going wrong; when it seems someone is after you; when it seems like everything in life is conniving against you! Pregnancy is heaviest just before delivery; the darkest hour is just before dawn! Resistance tends to multiply just before you breakthrough, keep pushing!  When you experience increased fighting, resistance and frustration in your life – it’s not time to give up – but its time to sharpen your focus because something great is about to happen!


Breaking points are breakthrough moments!

Even though I am very emotionally sensitive (you may not know that!), I have also done a lot of work to build and develop my emotional intelligence. One of the greatest qualities you will need if you are to succeed in your dreams, profession or in life in general is emotional intelligence – being in control and knowing how to and when to react! Despite all our abilities, high levels of control and emotional maturity there are situations in life that bring us to the breaking point; the point at which we lose control because of deep pain and hurt. Our Lord Jesus Christ was the greatest man to ever walk the face of the earth. He could endure hardship and difficulty; He could withstand rejection and pain. Even on the cross, with nails on His hands and feet, He never opened His mouth to cry; but on a few occasions in His life He experienced the breaking point; the point at which ‘all the fountains of the great deep broke up’ (Genesis 7 v 11).  ‘He wept’ (John 11 v 35) when He heard that Lazarus had died; and He groaned in the garden of Gethsemane when the reality of crucifixion had approached and he produced sweat and tears like drops of blood. Sometimes the situations of life close in on us and we find ourselves at the breaking point. I can testify of several such moments when I shed tears of pain. But in all those emotional moments of my life I learnt that; where you will shed your tears is where your treasure is hidden! Breaking points bring breakthrough moments! Just don’t let go of your focus of the cross. ‘When the fountains of the great deep are broken up; the windows of heaven will be opened up for you’ (Genesis 7 v 11). Don’t hold back the tears. Your tears will water your seeds of success! ‘He that goes forth weeping, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him’ (Psalm 126 v 6).


Whatever happens – keep moving!

Dreams must come to life this year; goals must be actioned; and visions must become a reality. But as you press forward to be a super-achiever in this year you must know that success does not come at a bargain price. You have to be prepared to pay the price! There is no competition at the top because the price-tag is higher!  You have to be prepared to bear the pain of discipline (but of course the reward is worth every inch of the pain). Your frustrations will increase; your enemies will multiply; they will spy on you; they will betray you and they will talk behind your back. They will not necessarily hate you for any wrong you might have done to them; but some will hate you for the good you are doing and for your success. When they speak, always remember that when anyone speaks behind your back it’s because you are ahead of them – so why bother! The paparazzi will watch your every step so that they can publicize and magnify even the smallest of your mistakes. Whatever happens press on towards the mark! Don’t look back and don’t get discouraged. Keep moving! You must invest in high levels of moral integrity and strength of character so that you may not be found wanting! The cost of investing in your character is very high and painful but the Return on Investment is worth every bit of the investment. This year you must be a super-achiever – but be prepared to pay the price of success! You can’t microwave your success!


Calvary love 

Peter Mbada



v      If you are in the Orapa area or within reach of Orapa then you can’t afford to miss this life transforming experience! If succeeding in every dimension of your life is one of your goals this year then you are the right candidate; Date: 27 February 2010; Venue: Itekeng Hall, 1600hrs – 200hrs; Topic: Mastering the Art of Wealth Creation: Developing your financial IQ. Fee: BWP150. An exciting programme you will not forget in a long time. For more info write me on


*       Thanks for partnering with me in inspiring the world by purchasing a copy of ‘Destined to Succeed; Unstoppable and Unlimitable’!





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