Sunday, February 28, 2010

Keep the big MO!

Keep the big MO!

Sympathy and sorry will never grow your vision

We had a great time at the seminar during the weekend and the feedback that has been coming in has been amazing. Apart from equipping people with financial and investment decision-making wisdom; one of my other objective was to provide a platform for gifted young people to jump-start their dreams. I therefore hand-picked a few young people that I know have great gifts but just needed a nudge into the deep-end; young gifted people who know where they want to be but do not know how to get there! I provided them a platform to stimulate and showcase their gifts; and they did not disappoint! People were asking me where on earth I had I managed to fish out such exceptional talent! One young man with an exceptionally good musical gift was one of the three music groups I invited to perform. I have been hand-holding him ever since he told me he wanted to record his music but did not know how to walk the journey! I took him and he has since picked up pace and direction! Three days before the event he approached me almost in tears. His team was slowly disbanding and disintegrating. A number of his group members were giving excuses that they could no longer make it for the practice sessions for whatever reasons. They were deserting him at the last minute when he needed them the most. In discussing with him I realized that most of the group members consisted of his friends and church-mates that did not necessarily share his vision; but had agreed to be part of the group because they did not want to disappoint him. I said to him, ‘young man; that is lesson number 1 in your journey to realizing your dream. Never rely on sympathizers to grow your dreams’. In pursuit of your dreams never rely on those that are with you simply because they do not want to disappoint you; never rely on those that support you not because they believe in your dreams but because they sympathise and feel sorry for you. Sympathy and ‘sorry’ will never grow your vision! Walk with those that share your vision and believe your dreams!  Those will not dump you when you need them the most.  


Keep the big MO!

I do a fair deal of travelling especially on business. I never cease to get amazed with the science of flying. Before a large jumbo jet airplane take off into the skies it taxies onto the runway and stop or slow down at one end of the runway; then the pilots begin to pump up the engines! If you are inside you can hear the engine revs increasing. What the pilots are doing is that they are beginning to increase the momentum of the plane before take-off. Steadily they begin to pick-up the speed down the runway until the plane gets to a point of no return at which it will take off. On take off they keep increasing the speed until the plane reaches the required altitude at which they maintain the speed or the momentum. If, as the plane speeds down the runway or when it’s in mid-air the pilot decides to slow down or just reduce the momentum drastically the plane can crush. To maintain the flying altitude the momentum must be maintained.  If at any point the momentum is lost it’s not very easy to regain it. When you have a dream you are like a plane on the runway. You need momentum for your dreams to take off! There is a minimum momentum that you require before you can take off in your dreams or visions. When you have gained that momentum it must be sustained; losing it can crush-land your calling! Yes, you may meet a lot of resistance on take off; but just keep pumping up the energy; and maintain the momentum! If you lose momentum it’s not easy to regain it. Keep going and keep the big MO! Whatever you have begun to pursue, keep going and never slow down. You may encounter challenges and difficulties; but just look for alternatives and keep going. Loosing momentum will not be good for you; keep on! With perseverance, determination and focus, eventually you will get to your flying altitude at which you can engage autopilot; as you enjoy the fruit of your dreams and visions!


You can never keep a good man down!

I have been following the last days of Jesus Christ on earth from the book of Matthew and have been having a lot of insights especially on the sacrifices He made for our salvation. I have also been having insights on the selfishness of the hearts of man. People can do anything in order to achieve their personal ambitions and in some instances just in order to have fun. The High Priests sought the life of Jesus; not because He had done anything wrong but simply because they felt threatened by His success in ministry and touching the lives of people at their points of need. For that reason they plotted against Him. On the other hand Judas plotted to betray his own master and friend; not because he had been treated unfairly compared to other disciples; but simply because he wanted to satisfy his financial ambitions. Animals kill for food but people can kill for personal ambitions. Never be tempted to be naïve to think that everyone around you will celebrate with you as you succeed in your calling. There those that will feel threatened and challenged; and seek to destroy the dreamer and the dream. The brothers of Joseph where not impressed with the young dreamer and his dreams. They wanted to get rid of the dreams by burying the dreamer; but little did they know that every attempt they made to get rid of Joseph only facilitated the accomplishment of the dreams. You can never keep a good man down! Dream on and pursue your calling! Remain watchful to those that want to destroy the dreamer and the dreams; but never be afraid of them because the Lord says, ‘Behold, I am with you, and will keep you, wherever you go, and will bring you again into this land. For I will not leave you, until I have done that which I have spoken of to you’ (Genesis 28 v 15).


Keep the big MO; I want to see dreams, visions and callings accomplished in this year!


Calvary love 

Peter Mbada


v      Thank you to all who supported the seminar. We are indeed humbled by the success of what was achieved! Be blessed beyond measure


*       Thanks for partnering with me in inspiring the world by purchasing a copy of ‘Destined to Succeed; Unstoppable and Unlimitable’!





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