Monday, February 22, 2010

Thanks for teaching me how to fish; now let's share your fish!

Thanks for teaching me how to fish; now let’s share your fish!


I just love it!

There is extreme excitement in my camp about the upcoming seminars. I have spoken in various platforms in many parts of the world and each experience has been great but this particular one is causing quite some excitement as the team has been spending a lot of time in prayer to make this not just another seminar; but a life transforming and paradigm shifting experience that will bring a turning point for all in attendance. It always excites me and gives me a great joy and satisfaction to make a contribution that helps somebody discover themselves; to help somebody discover their greater purpose and succeed in their own lives. In the process, I pay a lot – emotionally and otherwise! Many times I ask myself why I do it; but each time when I decide to hold back and say I will not do it again, just like Jeremiah, ‘His Word becomes in my heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones that I cannot withhold it’, (Jeremiah 20 v 9); and I rise up and keep doing it till Christ comes and I love it!


Never underestimate the power of hard-work

A friend of mine and high school classmate, called Innocent, taught me the power of discipline, focus and hard-work. Innocent was not a great student! In fact, Innocent was the first and only student I can remember to be slapped by our motherly math teacher for doing a very stupid mistake. Innocent’s brother was a medical student in university, and at that early stage Innocent decided he was also going to be a medical doctor. With his kind of performance, I tell you, there is no way Innocent was going to be anywhere near any university; but his brother told him which subjects he needed to concentrate on if he was to become a doctor. Innocent upped his game in the science subjects (4 of them). He figured out that he wasn’t naturally very intelligent and so the only way he was to become a medical doctor was to work 10 times harder; and for sure he did. He focused on the science subjects and worked ten times harder than every one of us. We all felt jealousy when suddenly Innocent began to get the better grades in class. He overtook us! To cut the long story short, after the secondary school exams (‘O’ levels) Innocent had 4 distinctions (of course in all science subjects) and average passes in the rest of the subjects. He proceeded to ‘A’ level where he also passed but unfortunately failed to make the minimum points for entry into medical school in the local university. Innocent was not the type to give up his dreams so easily! He worked 10 times harder than everyone of us in sending applications to hundreds of universities across the world that could dare look at his applications, even to such strange countries that I cant even mention. Sure enough, through persistence Innocent managed to get a scholarship to study medicine in Turkey. As I write, Innocent is a great doctor who works so hard, loves what he does and his patients are safe because they are in the hands of a man who achieved his life-long passion and dreams against all odds. Such is the power of focus, discipline and hard-work! Even with little or no material or natural advantages in your life you can greatly increase your chances of succeeding in your dreams and visions through discipline, focus and hard-work.  Decide what it is that you want; set your eyes on it; and pursue it with energy even against all resistance and you will succeed!  It’s no use throwing toys all over the room crying for the privileges you never had or the disadvantages you have! With what you have, rise up and work your way to success!  


Beware of the parasites!

Success attracts people to you. Wherever He went, Jesus Christ had a large crowd following Him. Some followed him because they needed healing or ministry to their needs; some followed him out of curiosity and wanted to see Him in action; while some followed him because they wanted to serve him. But there were also some that followed him because they loved to be associated with a great man. All these people deserted him when the crunch moment came. Remember the 500 disciples!  They deserted him; and He turned to the 12 and said, ‘Are you going to leave me too?’ (John 6 v 66). Friends come and go but genuine friends will never leave you at your darkest hour. Peter said, ‘Lord, to whom would we go? You alone have the words that give eternal life,’ (John 6 v 68). Success will attract many people in your life many who have various motives. I share openly and freely to equip people through my experiences; and many times when I have taught people how to fish, I receive many who come back to me with the attitude that says ‘thank you very much for teaching us how to fish. It was great and we learnt a lot! Now let’s share the fish you’ve got!’ As you pursue your dreams and calling beware of parasites. Beware of those that follow you because they want to suck blood out of you; and they will depart when they are finished with you. In good times they will want to share with you your successes and be seen on the front pages in your company; but only to desert you when you need them the most. As you pursue your calling and dreams don’t be too impressed by the crowd behind you; know who is really for you!


At the end of the game everything goes back to the box

During the weekend I spent some time playing a game of Monopoly with my wife and daughter. I did a great job of accumulating wealth. I built the houses, got the airports, collected rentals and made lots of money. But sadly enough, at the end of the game we put everything back in the box; and got back to reality! In the game of life you will accummulate a lot of toys and good things as you pursue success and fulfillment of your dreams. But you must never forget that at the end of the game of life everything goes back to the box and you will be left to face the reality of eternity. While the game of life offers many options; the reality of eternity offers only two – heaven or hell – which way will you go? Even Judas at the peak of his accumulation spree had the guts to sell Jesus for a few more pieces of silver! The reality only dawned on him when he had the 33 pieces of silver safely in his bag that he had sold something more valuable for a less valuable price. He threw away the silver! Of what value was the silver going to be when he had sold Life to obtain it. Of what value will all your successes be if in the process you sell your Life!  It’s about balance. Put your dreams into action in this year but don’t lose sight of the real valuables in your life.


Keep focused and never underestimate the power of discipline and hard-work!

Calvary love 

Peter Mbada


v    UPCOMING EVENTS: Its this weekend – don’t miss out!

v     If you are in the Orapa area or within reach of Orapa then you can’t afford to miss this life transforming experience! If succeeding in every dimension of your life is one of your goals this year then you are the right candidate; Date: 27 February 2010; Venue: Itekeng Hall, 1600hrs – 200hrs; Topic: Mastering the Art of Wealth Creation: Developing your financial IQ. Fee: BWP150. An exciting programme you will not forget in a long time. For more info write me on


*      Thanks for partnering with me in inspiring the world by purchasing a copy of ‘Destined to Succeed; Unstoppable and Unlimitable’!





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